[Vote] (8-28) Morocco

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Oct 3, 2013
Choose which components you want to see for Morocco!

Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @axatin

New Unit - Corsair (replaces Corvette - Ship of the Line in EE)
available at Navigation
350 :c5production: Production Cost

4 :c5moves: Movement
42 :c5strength: CS
(Gain :c5production: Production and :c5food: Food on Kills, Pillaging and Plundering :trade: Trade Routes)
Can Enter Rival Territory

New Building - Riad (replaces Hotel):
Available at Railroad
1000 :c5production: Production Cost

+1:c5gold: Gold and +1:c5culture: Culture, Scaling with Era
On construction, gains +1:c5gold: Gold and +1:c5culture: Culture for every 8 buildings and wonders already built in the city
10% of :c5gold:Gold spent on unit purchases and building investments in this city is converted into :tourism: Tourism
33% of :c5culture: Culture from World Wonders, Natural Wonders, and Tiles is converted into :tourism: Tourism in this city

+25% :tourism: Tourism from :greatwork: Great Works in this City

Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor(s): @axatin

New Unit - Corsair (replaces Corvette)
Unlocked at Navigation
Standard costs

42 :c5strength: (+2)
Gain 200% of the :c5strength: Combat Strength of defeated Enemy Units as :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production in this Unit's origin City.
Gain 100 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production when pillaging improvements.
Gain 200 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production when plundering :trade: Trade Routes.
Can Enter Rival Territory

New Building - Riad (replaces Hotel)
Unlocked at Railroads
Standard costs and maintenance

+1 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era
+1 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5culture: Culture for every 8 buildings in the City on construction
+1 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5culture: Culture for every 8 buildings in the City
When you spend :c5gold: Gold to purchase Units or invest in Buildings in this City, 10% of the cost is converted into :tourism: Tourism
of the :c5culture: Culture from World Wonders and Tiles is added to the :tourism: Tourism output of the City. (up from +25%)
+25% :tourism: Tourism from :greatwork: Great Works
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