(8-34a) 4UC Portugal With New XP Mechanic

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
UM - Cacador (replaces Gatling Gun - Light Infantry in EE):
available at Dynamite
700 :c5production: Production Cost

2 :c5moves: Movement
32 :c5strength: CS, 44 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 Range
2 BaseLandAirDefense
Covering Fire
"Trailblazer I"
"Fighting Cock"
(Has Access to Trailblazer-line promotions when levelling up)
Spoiler Trailblazer line promotions :









Spoiler note to sponsor :
This effect can be achieved by creating a line of duplicate promotions that look and function the same as the normal scout line promotions, but are available to UNITCOMBAT_ARCHER, except for the Trailblazer 1 promotions which is given for free.
The promotions only need to use the Cacador's duplicated version of Trailblazer I as a prerequisite.
The end result would be a line of parallel promotions that are locked in a way that is identical to Zulu's Buffalo line.

UB - University of Coimbra (replaces Oxford University):
Available at Education
does not require University

free University
+5 :c5science: Science and +5 :c5culture: Culture
+3 :c5gold: Gold to all Universities

50 :c5culture: Culture for Researching a Technology, scaling with Era
-1 :c5unhappy: unhappiness from Illiteracy
all naval units receive the "Age of Discovery" promotion (Gain :c5gold: Gold whenever tiles are revealed by a Naval Unit and 1 XP each turn when stacked with a GAdmiral)
free :c5science: Great Scientist
2 :greatwork: Great Work of Writing Slots (+4 :c5science: Science when themed)
:c5production: Production cost scales with number of cities on Empire

The current cacador bonus is really complex and weird. It is also new code that I don't imagine is worth the trouble of implementing.
Likewise, the UofCoimbra had to drop its bonus on GAdmiral birth because it could not be implemented.
With this change, Portugal makes use of the 'StackedGreatGeneralXP' bonus which is currently unused in VP. The UNW and the UU both make use of it and capitalize on Portugal's greater access to GGenerals and GAdmirals
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Shouldn't this be (8-34a) since (8-34) is sponsored and thus a potential vote candidate ?
Updated proposal. No more xp for GGeneral stacking (still exists for coimbra/admiral)
Cacador can now pick trailblazer promotions
UM - Cacador (replaces Gatling Gun - Light Infantry in EE):
available at Dynamite
700 :c5production: Production Cost

2 :c5moves: Movement
32 :c5strength: CS, 44 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 Range
2 BaseLandAirDefense
Covering Fire
"Trailblazer I"
"Fighting Cock"
(Has Access to Trailblazer-line promotions when levelling up)

Spoiler note to sponsor :
This effect can be achieved by creating a line of duplicate promotions that look and function the same as the normal scout line promotions, but are available to UNITCOMBAT_ARCHER, except for the Trailblazer 1 promotions which is given for free.
The promotions only need to use the Cacador's duplicated version of Trailblazer I as a prerequisite.
The end result would be a line of parallel promotions that are locked in a way that is identical to Zulu's Buffalo line.

UB - University of Coimbra (replaces Oxford University):
Available at Education
does not require University

free University
+5 :c5science: Science and +5 :c5culture: Culture
+3 :c5gold: Gold to all Universities

50 :c5culture: Culture for Researching a Technology, scaling with Era
-1 :c5unhappy: unhappiness from Illiteracy
all naval units receive the "Age of Discovery" promotion (Gain :c5gold: Gold whenever tiles are revealed by a Naval Unit and 1 XP each turn when stacked with a GAdmiral)
free :c5science: Great Scientist
2 :greatwork: Great Work of Writing Slots (+4 :c5science: Science when themed)
:c5production: Production cost scales with number of cities on Empire

The current cacador bonus is really complex and weird. It is also new code that I don't imagine is worth the trouble of implementing.
Likewise, the UofCoimbra had to drop its bonus on GAdmiral birth because it could not be implemented.
With this change, Portugal makes use of the 'StackedGreatGeneralXP' bonus which is currently unused in VP. The UNW and the UU both make use of it and capitalize on Portugal's greater access to GGenerals and GAdmirals
Interesting, but how do you do this with current code ? Recon promotions can only be picked up by Recon units in the current system, hence why I suggested (but not for this congress that's for sure, since it would require some more work) that we make unit promotion lines dependent on unitlines unique promotions (like Skirmisher Doctrine) instead of UnitCombat.
From the sponsor note:
This effect can be achieved by creating a line of duplicate promotions that look and function the same as the normal scout line promotions, but are available to UNITCOMBAT_ARCHER, except for the Trailblazer 1 promotions which is given for free.
The promotions only need to use the Cacador's duplicated version of Trailblazer I as a prerequisite.
The end result would be a line of parallel promotions that are locked in a way that is identical to Zulu's Buffalo line
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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