(8-34b) 4UC Portugal - Cacador Elite Archer Unit and Less Restrictive University of Coimbra

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Aug 1, 2014

Proposal :

UMU2 - Caçadores (replaces Gatling Gun)
Unlocked at Dynamite
700 :c5production: Production cost / 700 :c5faith: Faith cost

32 :c5strength: CS / 44 :c5rangedstrength: RCS / 2 Range
2 :c5moves: MP / 2 Vision (+1 effective :c5moves: MP from Scouting II promotion)

Covering Fire
Scouting II - +1 :c5moves: MP and Embarked :c5moves: MP
Fighting Cock - Gets bonus :c5strength: CS when wounded instead of a malus (0% => +30%)

Cannot Melee Attack
Attack malus against Naval Units

UNW - University of Coimbra (replace Imperial College)
Available at Education
120 :c5production: Production cost (scaling with number of Cities) / No :c5citizen: Citizen requirement
Does not require a University in the City to be built
Provides a free University
and spawn a GScientist in the City when finished

+5 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture (instead of +3 / +3)
+3 :c5gold: Gold to all Universities in the Empire

50 :c5culture: Culture for Researching a :c5science: Technology, scaling with Era

+200% :c5production: Production towards Trade Units in all Cities
Grants the "Age of Discovery" promotion (Gain :c5gold: Gold and Experience whenever revealing tiles) to all owned Units

-1 :c5unhappy: unhappiness from :c5science: Illiteracy

Provides 2 :greatwork: GWWriting slots (+4 :c5science: Science when themed)

Rationale :
I disagree with pineappledan's solution for Portugal's 4UC kit, simply based on my opinion that the StackedGreatGeneralXP promotion is too player friendly compared to the AI.

For the Caçadores, I instead put the focus on the status of the unit as Portugal's "elite light infantry" that endured early defeats against Napoleon Armies but managed to reform and integrate new ideas to truly shine later on. This resilience, combined with their mobility and their range (they had sharpshooters), can make them truly powerful.

About the University of Coimbra, I've found that limiting the Age of Discovery to ships only removed some choice from the civ. With the new version being given to all units in addition to the effect of the Recon promotion (xp from revealing tiles), you can make any of your unit thrive from exploring the world (peacefully or not). The Production bonus to Trade Units is simply made to allow most Portuguese cities to very quickly replace any lost Trade Unit if necessary (not very impactful, but the UA of the civ is already great enough, so we must be prudent).
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If Cacadores start with Scouting II, it doesn't open up any other choices, does it? (it's a terminal promotion?)

In modern VP where scout units can have high embarked vision I think it makes good sense to broaden the Age of Discovery promotion like this. AI probably has no idea it needs to use ships not explorers. :thumbsup:

MAGI: Building_UnitCombatProductionModifiersGlobal can do the +200% trade unit bonus (cargo and caravan), so this is indeed database
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If Cacadores start with Scouting II, it doesn't open up any other choices, does it? (it's a terminal promotion?)
I don't think so. It's a Recon promotion on an archer unit anyway, so it can't get access to other promotions of the tree.
MAGI: Building_UnitCombatProductionModifiersGlobal can do the +200% trade unit bonus (cargo and caravan), so this is indeed database
Yes, we've already used that for Scotland UA with dummy buildings (I think). I checked out if the Caravan and Cargo Ship had proper UnitCombat categories before doing the proposal though. We're never sure for this kind of bonus.
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It’s a non-recon unit being given promotions it usually doesn’t have access to. It doesn’t act as a prerequisite unless you add the archer unitcombat as a valid for picking up the promotions.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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