The Villa as proposed this session just randomly pisses off neighbours with the Figs placement. This counterproposal restores the originally proposed version (with smoother tech yield changes).
unlocked at Engineering
Must not be adjacent to city
Must not be adjacent to another Villa
Must not be placed on resources, and does not connect them
Valid on all owned land tiles otherwise
700 build time (8 turns in Standard without modifiers)
for every two adjacent Farms/Plantations/Pastures
in the
Capital (does not need to be worked)
at Civil Service
at Architecture
at Electricity
EDIT: I guess this has to be a counterproposal to the entire Rome civilization. To have a higher chance of passing this, I propose to leave the rest of the Roman kit as proposed by @pineappledan. Only the Villa will be different between this and the original proposal.
(8-35) 4UC Rome
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Roman civilization.
(8-35a) Rome Ballista rework
Problem: In-game Ballista use arrows (or bolts), not bricks. It's definitely an antipersonnel weapon, not an ordinary siege (Though it's still a mechanism). So, it should be weaker than ordinary Catapult in terms of sieges and in the same time it shouldn't reduce the siege power of Roman Empire...
The Villa as proposed this session just randomly pisses off neighbours with the Figs placement. This counterproposal restores the originally proposed version (with smoother tech yield changes).
unlocked at Engineering
Must not be adjacent to city
Must not be adjacent to another Villa
Must not be placed on resources, and does not connect them
Valid on all owned land tiles otherwise
700 build time (8 turns in Standard without modifiers)






EDIT: I guess this has to be a counterproposal to the entire Rome civilization. To have a higher chance of passing this, I propose to leave the rest of the Roman kit as proposed by @pineappledan. Only the Villa will be different between this and the original proposal.
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