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(8-35a) 4UC Rome - Originally Proposed Villa

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

The Villa as proposed this session just randomly pisses off neighbours with the Figs placement. This counterproposal restores the originally proposed version (with smoother tech yield changes).

unlocked at Engineering
Must not be adjacent to city
Must not be adjacent to another Villa
Must not be placed on resources, and does not connect them
Valid on all owned land tiles otherwise

700 build time (8 turns in Standard without modifiers)

3 :c5production: 1 :c5gold: 1 :c5culture:
+1 :c5gold: :c5culture: for every two adjacent Farms/Plantations/Pastures
+2 :c5food: in the :c5capital: Capital (does not need to be worked)

+1 :c5culture: at Civil Service
+1 :c5production: :c5gold: at Architecture
+1 :c5gold: :c5culture: at Electricity

EDIT: I guess this has to be a counterproposal to the entire Rome civilization. To have a higher chance of passing this, I propose to leave the rest of the Roman kit as proposed by @pineappledan. Only the Villa will be different between this and the original proposal.
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Added a clarification about the rest of the Roman kit.
One of the strongest things about Rome's Figs is that, considering how much they can be spammed, it synergizes very well with Imperialism's +2:c5food:+1:c5production: bonus to Plantations, and later with Freedom's massive :c5food: bonus to Plantations and Unique Improvments, which is the Villa itself. Overall, together with Villa's +2:c5food: to Capital (and Fornix's free Great Writer), it makes a very interesting and unexpected (at least for me) playstyle of a cultured warmonger, which is both wide and tall, and has insane food and culture in lategame, allowing you to quickly re-specialize into Great People production and Culture victory.

I don't know if Imperialism and Freedom food bonuses were taken into consideration for Rome's 4UC design, but getting rid of Figs would take away a lot of lategame food, and make going Imperialism -> Freedom less desirable and synergetic.

Overall, I am just really impressed by how solid Rome's 4UC is, how all the components tie into one another, and I think Figs is a huge part of it. I very rarely go Authority -> Artistry, while Authority -> Artistry -> Imperialism -> Freedom seems even more wild and cool of a path to take.
I think the original Villa is designed to boost the capital more than the city itself, while the current Villa just does both.
Proposal sponsored by prior agreement from @azum4roll.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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