[Vote] (8-36) Russia

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Oct 3, 2013
Choose which components you want to see for Russia!

Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

New Unit - Licorne (replaces Field Gun):
Available at Metallurgy
900 :c5production: Production Cost

2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
17 :c5strength: CS, 40 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Siege inaccuracy
"Cover I"
"bonus vs cities" (100)
"Indirect fire"
"Grapeshot" (+50% RCS vs melee and Gun units)
"Can Move After Attacking"
no "Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory"

New Building - Pogost (replaces Customs House):
Available at Guilds
350 :c5production: Production Cost

+2 :c5culture: Culture and +2 :c5gold: Gold
Gains +2:c5science: Science at Banking
Gains +2:c5food: Food at Economics
Gains +2:c5faith: Faith and :c5production: Production at Railroad
Gains +1 of All Yields at Industrialization ( :c5food::c5production::c5gold::c5science::c5culture::c5faith:)
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production to Villages and Towns

1 :c5gold: Merchant Specialist Slot
+4/2 :c5gold: Gold to all :trade: Trade Routes to/from this city respectively
Tobacco Resources gain +3:c5gold:
Coffee Resources gain +1:c5gold: +2:c5production:
Tea Resources gain +2:c5gold: +1:c5production:
Banana Resources gain +2:c5gold:

(8-36a) 4UC Russia: Ostrog and Licorne Changes
Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

New Unit - Licorne (replaces Field Gun)
Unlocked at Rifling
Standard costs

17 :c5strength: 45 :c5rangedstrength: (+5)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine
Siege Inaccuracy
Indirect Fire
Cover I
Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory
Can Move After Attacking (Lost on upgrade)
Grapeshot (+33% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Melee and Gunpowder Units.)

New Building - Pogost from base proposal

Old Building - Ostrog (replaces Bastion Fort)
Unlocked at Navigation
Standard costs and maintenance

+3 :c5production:
:c5strength: City Strength (+2)
+4 Damage Reduction (up from +2)
Indirect Fire on :c5rangedstrength: City Strike
+2 :c5production: Production and +2 :c5gold: Gold on Camps, Mines, Lumber Mills, and Strategic Resources
Garrison heals 5HP regardless of action
Enemy Units expend all :c5moves: Movement when entering land territory owned by this City
+10% :c5war: Military Supply from :c5citizen: Population (+5% if supply rework passes)
-5% :c5citystate: Empire Size Modifier for :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Needs

(8-36b) 4UC Russia - Licorne Nerf
Proposer: @Rosete
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll

New Unit - Licorne (replaces Field Gun):
Available at Rifling
900 :c5production: Production Cost

2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
17 :c5strength: CS, 40 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Siege inaccuracy
"Cover I"
"bonus vs cities" (100)
"Grapeshot" (+50% RCS vs melee and Gun units)
"Can Move After Attacking"
no "Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory"
Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory

New Building - Pogost from base proposal
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