(8-38) 4UC Siam
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Siamese civilization. Note: the picture description does not list the coastal artillery promotion in the seir morb description. This is because the promotion does not yet exist, and will be implemented in the...
This presents an excellent opportunity to change the base building of Siam's Wat, since a Constabulary is really not a good choice for it (seriously, who did this and what were you smoking?)
The screenshot from the 8-38 thread
Spoiler :
To unstack I propose we make the Wat a Unique Building Class (i.e. it doesn't replace anything) that is purchased with Faith like the Monastery.
c.f. Monastery and Belief Buildings cost 200. I put this slightly higher since it comes a little later, maybe.
I have bumped the faith yield slightly since +1 seemed too low for a religious building.
See discussion below about religious pressure
UB1 -- Wat (replaces nothing)
unlocked at Theology
no maintenance cost
Cost 300 Faith
+2 Science
+1 Culture
+3 Faith
+3 Science from Shrines and Temples in the City
+10 Influence from Diplomatic Units trained in this City.
On construction receive 1000 Religious Pressure from the Majority Religion in your Capital
-1 Unhappiness from Religious Unrest
note: The religious pressure mechanic already exists in the DLL
We will also tweak the UB to remove some slightly stranger 4UC mechanics, bolded.
UB - Elephant Camp (replaces Workshop):
Available at Civil Service
350 Production Cost
2 Gold maintenance (same as Workshop)
1 Engineer Specialist Slot
+3 Production, +2 Culture and +1 Faith
+1 Production for every 4 Citizens
+1 Production to Forest
+1 Culture to Lumber Mills
+1 Production and +1 Gold in city for every 2 Strategic resources gifted by City-States
Allows Production to be moved from this city along Trade Routes inside your civilization
+4 Production to Internal Trade Route from this city
All other components are as in the base proposal.
To be clear this includes the
changed "Leader_Flavor" value for "Defense" to 8
Add Forest/Jungle Start bias
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