[Vote] (8-41) Sweden

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Oct 3, 2013
Pick which components you want to see for Sweden!

Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @azum4roll (database only)

New Unit - Hakkapeliitta (replaces Lancer):
available at Metallurgy
350 :c5production: Production Cost

requires Horses
37 :c5strength: CS
5:c5moves: Movement
No Movement to Pillage
+1 Sight
Hakkaa Päälle!
(+20% vs wounded Units, heals 30 HP from killing Units)

New Building - Bastu (replaces Baths):
Available at Metal Casting
200 :c5production: Production Cost
1:c5gold: Gold maintenance

no terrain requirements
+3 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5food: Food

+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5gold: Gold to Temple, Amphitheater and Garden
+10% :c5culture: Culture and +10% :c5food: Food during :c5goldenage: Golden Age
+1 :c5science: Science to Lakes
+1 :c5science: Science for every 2 worked Tundra tiles
15% of :c5science: Science output in city as an instant boost to :c5science: Science and 15% of :c5culture: Culture output in city as an instant boost to :c5culture: Culture whenever a citizen is born

Proposer: @hokath
Sponsor(s): @axatin

UA change: 15 XP and full heal on GG birth --> Units earn 2 XP and heal 10 HP whenever a Great Person is born.

Add Tundra Bias for Bastu

New Unit - Hakkapeliitta (replaces Cuirassier):
available at Metallurgy
350 :c5production: Production Cost

requires Horses
28 (+1) :c5strength: CS, 24 (+2) :c5rangedstrength: RCS
5:c5moves: Movement
Skirmisher Doctrine
Can move after attacking
[The 4 skirmisher line penalties]
No Movement to Pillage
+1 Sight
Hakkaa Päälle!
(+25% CS attacking units at full health)

New Building - Bastu (replaces Baths):
Available at Metal Casting
200 :c5production: Production Cost
1:c5gold: Gold maintenance
no terrain requirements

+3 :c5culture: Culture and +3 :c5food: Food
+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5gold: Gold to Temple, Amphitheater and Garden
+10% :c5culture: Culture and +10% :c5food: Food during :c5goldenage: Golden Age
+1 :c5science: Science to Lakes
+1 :c5science: Science for every 2 worked Tundra tiles
15% of :c5science: Science output in city as an instant boost to :c5science: Science and 15% of :c5culture: Culture output in city as an instant boost to :c5culture: Culture whenever a citizen is born
+8 :c5culture: Culture when expending a :c5greatperson: Great Person, scaling with Era

Old Building - Nobel Committee (UNW replaces Foreign Bureau):
Available at Dynamite (2 tiers before Radio)
Requires the Imperial College in the City


+5 :c5culture:, +5 :c5science:
+50 :c5gold: Gold when expending a :c5greatperson: Great Person, scaling with Era, and and 10 :c5influence: Influence with all :c5citystate: City-States you have met
+2 :c5science: to all :greatwork: Great Works
+3 :c5culture: to every Academy Improvement in the Empire
+3 :c5culture: and +2 :c5science: to all Public Schools in the Empire

+1 Paper.
+20% :c5production: Production of Diplomatic Units in this City.
All Diplomatic Units receive the Diplomatic Immunity Promotion.
The :c5production: Production Cost and :c5citizen: Population Requirements increase based on the number of Cities you own.

Proposer: @DoveCDog
Sponsor(s): @L. Vern

UA Change:
Great Generals and Great Admirals provide a +20% :c5strength: CS and a +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS bonus when attacking. Provide +1 :c5moves: Moves to nearby Siege units.
Can use enemy Forts and other non-gpti defensive tiles.
Forts and Citadels provide an extra +25% defensive bonus
Forts and Citadels provide an extra +1 :c5production: Production, +1 :c5science: Science, +1 Border Growth Points, scaling with era

New Unit - Hakkapeliitta (replaces Lancer):
No Movement to Pillage
Hakkaa Päälle!
(+20% vs wounded Units, heals 20 HP from killing Units)
Can Fortify

New Building - Bastu
from base proposal

Proposer: @azum4roll
Sponsor: @azum4roll

Same UA change as 41a
Spoiler :
Land Melee Units gain +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking, and Siege Units gain +1 :c5moves: Movement. All Units heal 10 HP and earn 2 XP when a :c5greatperson: Great Person is born. +15% Leadership combat bonus.
New Unit - Jarl (unique Melee unit class)
Spawns along Great General and starts with XP as if trained in the :c5capital: Capital
16 :c5strength:, +9 :c5strength: per Era starting in Medieval
Great General Combat Bonus (+25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when a Great General is on this tile.)
Can be expended to found a City, with extra :c5citizen: Population, buildings, and :c5culture: Culture depending on the Unit's XP:
+1 :c5citizen: Population per 8 XP
+1 random eligible building per 6 XP (applied one by one, so you can get Walls and then Castle for example)
+3 :c5culture: Culture per XP, scaling with Era

New Building - Bastu from base proposal
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Jarl is a bit too crazy for me, and God knows how you'll get the AI working for it.
Probably on many maps you will be frustrated that you have a good Jarl but no where good to found a city.
I'm also worried that it will be Godlike strength, at least in Medieval it's like a Knight with 25% extra GG bonus and isn't mounted so Pikemen will evaporate to the touch.

I like the Nobel Committee :)
Jarl is a bit too crazy for me, and God knows how you'll get the AI working for it.
If they know how to settle with Conquistador (do they?), they'll know the Jarl.

Settling is something you want to do as soon as possible.
Will a) make Sweden the only Civ with Tundra bias or are there more?

edit: there are no other civs with tundra bias.
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If Bastu is the reason for giving Sweden a tundra bias, why only a) is providing it? Is there a reason for the other proposals to not have tundra bias?
Having no starting bias is already a slight tundra bias.
When we discussed I argued that a Tundra bonus really must mean a Tundra bias (or I will have to reload the game a lot).
I suggested it could be changed to a Forest bonus, since those are more generally available, but a) I guess then you need a forest bias and b) no one seems to have cared in their proposals anyway lol.

Personally I like Tundra bias, especially for a warmonger.
41a has 5 different instant bonuses for great person birth on the UA and both UBs. That’s just way, Way too much of the same thing. I can’t support that.

Also that icon is going to stick out like a sore thumb in-game.
Counting +2 xp and 10 HP heal as 2 different effects is a bit of an exaggeration. Furthermore the effects of Nobel Committee start later into the game. But even if there were 50 different little effects from GP birth, what does it matter? It's not like this isn't already a massive hook for bonuses! Ceremonial Burial, To The Glory of God, Pyramids, University of Sankor, Splendor, National Treasure, the list goes on.

My icon is a work of sublime genius. How dare you! (DENOUNCED!)
Trying to game this out in my head regarding the proposed UA change:

Changing the heal and XP from only on GGeneral birth to all GPs is going to shift the power away from the heal and onto the free XP. GGenerals are mainly generated through combat, but other GPs can be generated during peace. With the GGenerals you are almost always in the midst of taking damage, so the heal is always useful. With all GPs, Sweden will have a trickle of global XP even while at peace, so the strategy could be to build and hold an army in medieval, after barracks/armory is built, hold them while accumulating XP from GPerson births, and then conquer in renaissance with a highly promoted army.

Tradition would be preferred over authority with this Sweden. all civilian bonuses depend on GP births, so any source of GPs is priority over anything else.
It's a big change, and Sweden would play entirely different with it.
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Could use the name Vetenskapsakademien
Spoiler “The building looks like this” :


Building is preferable to old dudes shaking hands with a flag behind them
Come on, i bet you could not pronounce it from the first try, Hokath's name is fine
Weird alternate prereq building on the Nobel Committee. This is basically forcing you to have your diplo city be the capital? Which means the other civil servant slots and diplo unit production boosters should ideally be all going to the capital. Tradition Sweden much?
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Ah damn, was hoping for a proposal that removed the healing part of the UA as it's quite unpredictable to predict as an opponent, but I suppose a) and c) shouldn't feel as binary.

I'd like a) a lot more if both UB didn't have yield bonuses for popping Great Person. Most likely Bastu should give GPP. Maybe just for civilian GPs.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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