[DLL] (8-NS) 4UC Germany

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the German civilization.

Spoiler Full kit with 4UC changes :


Spoiler Description of new components and changes to existing kit, differences from base component are underlined: :

UM - Krupp Gun (replaces Artillery):
Available at Replaceable Parts
1300 :c5production: Production Cost
Requires 1 iron​
3 Range​
2 :c5moves: Movement​
27 :c5strength: CS, 55 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
"Siege inaccuracy"​
"Cover I"​
"bonus vs cities" (100)​
"Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory"​
"Indirect Fire"​
"Minenwerfer" - +50% vs Fortified units. Enemy Tile improvements that provide Tile Defense are instantly pillaged when you kill a unit stationed on them.​
"Trommelfeuer" - Attacks from a unit with this promotion add +5% RCS to all units with this promotion for this turn. max of +50% RCS​

Bräuhaus (Windmill Replacement)
Unlocked at Economics
4:c5gold: maintenance
3:c5production: Production and 3:c5culture: Culture
+15%:c5production:Production towards buildings​
Grocers, Granaries, and Wheat, Rice, and Maize Resources gain +1:c5food: and +1:c5culture:
Marshes and Lakes gain 2:c5production:2:c5gold:
+1:c5happy:Happiness for every 9 Policies adopted by your Civilization
+10:c5culture: Culture in the City for Whenever you gift a unit to a :c5citystate:City State, scaling with Era
Gains more bonuses upon adopting an Ideology:
If Freedom is adopted, City gains +10:c5science:Science whenever a Policy is adopted, and +10:c5goldenage:GAP whenever you gift a unit to a :c5citystate:City State, scaling with Era
If Order is adopted, City gains +10:c5production:Production whenever a Policy is adopted, and +10:c5food:Food whenever you gift a unit to a :c5citystate:City State, scaling with Era
If Autocracy is adopted, City gains +10:c5culture:Culture whenever a Policy is adopted, and +10:c5gold:Gold whenever you gift a unit to a :c5citystate:City State, scaling with Era
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Justification for 4UC components

Krupp Gun
With a modern European power like Germany, we have a rare opportunity for some late game power units. The Krupp gun is a very strong artillery unit that can help Germany push for military domination in the late game. There have been multiple proposals for siege units to damage/pillage/remove fortifications, and a unique unit ability is the perfect place for such an ability. Not overly game changing for the general game, but a special option that changes how war works if you choose that civ.

Germany is at the heart of many of the 20th century's major ideological and philosophical movements, and we wanted to reflect that with a German UB that changes abilities based on the ideology you adopt. The Brauhaus gives yields in all cities for gifted units, fortifying a part of the UA that loses relevance in the late game once diplomatic units give considerably more influence immediately in comparison to the per-turn influence of the military units gifts.
the Krupp gun looks cool, agreed if we are going to try out the pillage of improvments from ranged this is a good way to do it.

I think the Brauhaus is doing too much. That culture ability on the gift is cool and powerful.....I don't see why we need to scale it even further with ideologies and happiness. And if you really want to do that, lets make it less fiddly. Just say "+10 culture blah blah, +10 gold once you have an ideology".

We already have plenty of differences between the ideology, no reason to add some fiddly bonus to the UU, just a simple clean bonus.
Overall grade: A
Germany’s 4UC components make Germany far more well-rounded. The UB in 4UC upgrades the UA unit gift mechanic in an important way, keeping it relevant into the late game. The UU gives back that late game war machine that was taken away when we gave the unique tank to the order ideology.

Krupp Gun
- C. Featuring a unique artillery piece for Germany probably feels like a left field pick compared to any number of German military units we could have picked. There are few civs that could be said to have iconic 20th century artillery pieces, and Big Bertha fits the bill. Germany took one for the team, so to speak, by being a civ that historically has had a kit that facilitated a large late game military power spike, so it is something people are comfortable with. There is a multitude of things Germany could have had instead, but only a few civs could fill these late game military slots like Germany can.
Mechanics - A. The unit has 2 unique mechanics: global power bonus for all other Krupp guns for each attack a Krupp gun makes in a turn, and the ability to pillage fortifications by killing the defending unit. This changes Germany’s late game military tactics to reward relentless artillery barrage. The pillage on fort idea has come up multiple times in congress, so there is energy around this idea, but I think a UU ability is the perfect place for it.
Uniqueness - S. Totally unique base unit, 2 separate unique mechanics, makes you feel like you’re about to unleash Verdun on your opponent.

Theme - S.
Beer. The German UB is Beer.
On a more serious note it would not be an overstatement to say that Germany was the main character of the 19th century intellectual phase of the ideological struggles that erupted into violence in the 20th century. The beer halls and gardens of Germany figured prominently into this history.

… Also we’re talking about Germany and beer.

Mechanics - B. The mechanics are tangentially linked to the ideology choices and the unit gift mechanic of the UA. This UB breathes life into the unit gift mechanic, which now has to compete for relevance against much stronger, faster, and more efficient diplomatic units. The 4UC component is a necessary mid-game upgrade to keep Germany’s UA ability relevant.
Uniqueness - A. No other unique windmills, and fairly well-spaced from Germany’s other components.
Hi, I was playing a game as Germany with 4UC earlier this week, and I have to say if they get going Germany is suppeer strong. I was manufacturing Crossbowmen in 2 turns (on Marathon!) across most of my cities, and sending them to City States for an amazing 120 culture per city because of the Brauhaus (in the Industrial era). Across 14-16 cities, it was about a turn's worth of culture from 1 gift...only, I had 20 City States in my game, and could send units to them every 3 turns. That's 120 culture x 14 cities x 20 city states = 33,600 culture every 3 turns, which was about a social policy's cost.

This Germany game was already insane because I got really lucky and conquered/built my way to 3 production monopolies (Copper + Nutmeg + Coffee) and prioritized trade route wonders in the More Wonders for VP mod (and trade routes = production for Germany). But yeah...the Brauhaus made me win even harder - so hard in fact, I was 7 social policies ahead of my closest AI peer. I know I already won the game at this point, but I can't help but wonder if the Brauhaus is too strong. It turned my Germany's dominant production into insane culture growth, very far outpacing culture civs like The Netherlands.

That being said, the Brauhaus definitely did what you said it would do Pdan - make it so I still want to gift units even when I'm in mid-game and envoys are normally better. I found myself not really wanting to gift units in the mid-game before the Brauhaus (instead thinking of using envoys), to wanting to gift as many as possible after I got the Brauhaus. It was definitely a unique and interesting shift in thought that made playing Germany feel cool and different compared to other civs.

Also, here's a screenshot I took demonstrating my Germany's monstrous hammer output. Keep in mind this is before getting factories, the Imperialism policy that would double my production monopoly bonus, trade route slots, and before getting all City States as allies, so this isn't even my final form. :)

Spoiler Behold, the insane production of Germany! :


Both Krupp Gun effects need to come from lua so
UnitPromotions column PillageFortificationsOnKill
and this guy "Trommelfeuer" - Attacks from a unit with this promotion add +5% RCS to all units with this promotion for this turn. max of +50% RCS, which is all units with this promotion so not 100% how you go about that

Beerhall needs Building_IdeologyYieldFromPolicyUnlock and Building_IdeologyYieldFromUnitGift
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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