[DLL] (8-NS) Arabia & Byzantium 4UC Other Swap

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Dec 9, 2017
Original proposals:
Other counter-proposal:

from @pineappledan, Aplekton modified by me
Spoiler Byzantium :


Your Capital gains +1 :c5culture: Culture, :c5science: Science, and :c5gold: Gold permanently when a Historic Event occurs.
Whenever a City converts to your Majority religion for the first time, a Historic Event is triggered.
Cities gain 1:c5faith: Faith for every 8:c5strength: City Strength.
Spoiler early City defense refresher :

Base city: 5 :c5strength:
Hill bonus: +2 :c5strength:
Palace: +4 :c5strength:
Wall: +6 :c5strength:
Warrior garrison: +4 :c5strength:
Spear garrison: +6 :c5strength:

Lavra - UB (Temple) - same icon as current tetraconch
+3 :c5faith: +2 :c5culture: (up from 3 faith only)
+50% Pressure in this city (up from 25%)
Gain 100% of the city's :c5culture: and :c5faith: output as an instant yield when a new :c5citizen:Citizen is born
1 :greatwork:GW Music slot
-1 :c5unhappy:from religious unhappiness
+1:c5culture: :c5gold:to Incense, Wine, and Amber

Aplekton - UI (Fort)
Unlocks at Engineering
Requires No Two Adjacent, build on city border

2:c5food: 1:c5production:1:c5science: 1:c5culture:
+1 :c5production: :c5science: if adjacent to at least 1 tile owned by another player
+30% tile defense
Tile Cannot be stolen by Culture bombs
Chemistry: +2:c5science:
Military Science: +2:c5culture:
Electronics: +4:c5culture:
Stealth: +4:c5science:

UU1 - Tagma (Knight) - same art as existing Cataphract
CS reduced from 28:c5strength: to 27:c5strength: (+3 from base)
:c5moves: Moves restored to 4 (same as base knight)
give back regular city penalty (-33%)
Remove Shock Cavalry promotion
Add Resilience (+15 hp and +15% Defense)
(No Defense from Terrain still removed)

UU2 Dromon (replaces Liburna)
remove Splash I
Greek Fire - Plague changed to deals 5 damage per turn for 2 turns (conventional DOT damage)

Spoiler Byzantium Rationale :

The historic event trigger needs a solid, early founding ability so that Byzantium can secure a religion. If it doesn't get a religion this unique HE is cooked.
  • The :c5faith:cannot simply be added onto the permanent HE yields for a few reasons:
    • There are not enough HE triggers in ancient to ensure founding. You might get 1-3 once you have entered classical; that's not enough to found with
    • The HE trigger accelerates in late game with the rate of HEs, mostly from great person births. If this gave :c5faith:faith then it would be a case of faith that is slow and then accelerates just as the rest of the faith economy plateaus. This runs counter to the faith game in general
  • The City strength to :c5faith:scaler incorporates an aspect of the game that is underexplored right now: City strength values
    • Starting capital will have 9-11 :c5strength:CS before garrison, enough for 1:c5faith: per turn on turn 0.
    • newly settled cities can secure 1:c5faith: per turn with garrisons immediately.
    • Going forward from the first turns, players will need to be mindful of their city strength stats as a core part of their faith engine, giving an economic incentive for investing in defense
    • Influences policy and wonder choices like the Fealty scaler and Himeji Castle
The HE trigger on spread sets up an interesting tension between Artistry and Fealty trees
  • Do you pick Fealty to maximize your ability to spread, and increase your faith output, or do you invest in Artistry for the policy-locked HE triggers and specialist/GP bonuses?
The Aplekton's border bonuses combine to create a unique tool for border lands.
  • Creates incentive to keep borders with enemy civs and city-states stable and within working distance of your cities
  • The additional yields for accomplishing this are fairly small, only +2, but it creates a unique incentive for setting up a militarized frontier early with your neighbours
  • Reinforces the turtling playstyle of the civ, maximizing defense
  • Interesting interactions with this build restriction:
    - She can build aplektons early and as the borders expand, make new ones while the previous ones get worse
    - She can skip straight to forward settling for the additional "border tension" reward
    - She can go aggressive, conquer a city, build on the borders, then move to take the next city, benefitting from tensions yields in the meantime
Tetraconch changes
  • Lavra is a better name in my estimation. They were actual institutions whereas tetraconch mostly refers to a floor plan.
  • Instead of the existing faith scaler, the Lavra is changed to a large amount of yields on birth. This is reminiscent of Spain's old Mission, back when it used to be a Castle UB.
  • The unique temple remains my top pick for a Byzantine component because it is unique. The Hippodrome is likely going to get stacked with the Huns' Alticur, and it isn't a particularly memorable building. Furthermore, Byzantine still needs a strong faith economy to support its UA, which this UB can provide.
Cataphract changes
  • This unit needed a modest nerf.
  • The addition of the aplekton combines well with the unit's existing ability to gain defense from tiles.
  • The name Tagma is more specifically Byzantine and emphasizes the organization and tactics of the unit over the equipment
  • The combination of rough terrain defense bonuses and shock cavalry created a complicated network of interlocking % bonuses in conflicting terrain. The unit's various bonuses appeared schizophrenic
Dromon changes
  • As Azum4roll pointed out, the splash is not doing much for this unit
  • The original design was for the unit to inflict a damage over time plague to any unit hit by the Dromon. Such a bonus would be much easier to understand than the other options, but it would require new code.

Spoiler Arabia :

UA: Seal of the Prophets

Can always found a religion
Can always pick any belief and has 1 additional belief slot.
-15% :c5faith:Faith purchase costs.
Great people :c5faith:Faith purchases are available immediately

UB1: Bazaar (Market)
Unlocked at Trade
Standard cost

+3 :c5gold:Gold, +1 :c5science:Science, +1 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold per 4 :c5citizen: population

+1 :c5gold: Gold to International trade routes to and from this city,
+100% Pressure towards Cities connected by a :trade: Trade Route
1 Merchant specialist
Standard bonus yields to Spice and Sugar

UB2: Dar Al-Shifa (Grocer)
Unlocked at Chemistry
standard costs

+4:c5science: Science, +2:c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5happy:Happiness
+1 :c5food: Food per 5 :c5citizen: Citizens in the City
10% of :c5science: Science in the city is converted to :c5food:Food each turn
15% :c5food:Food carried over when a new :c5citizen: Citizen is born in the City
Land Units in this City heal 5 hp per turn whatever their action.
15% of :c5faith: Faith Purchases in city converted to :c5science: Science and :c5food: Food

-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Poverty

UU1: Camel Archer (Heavy Skirmisher)
Remove "Splash I"
remove "withdraw from combat"
Add "Loved Camel" - Ignores movement costs in Desert (lost on upgrade)
Add "Ghazi" - 15 AOE damage when pillaging a tile

UU2 - Baghlah (Frigate)
Unlocks at Navigation
Standard costs

27 :c5strength: (+2) 36 :c5rangedstrength: (+1)
5 :c5moves: (+1), 2 Range

Spoiler Arabia Rationale :

  • This is Byzantium's existing UA with no alterations. As a civilization based around a late founding religion, this UA works better thematically here than on Byzantium.
Bazaar changes
  • This proposal moves the existing tetraconch bonus of scaling :c5faith: from population onto the bazaar.
  • Current Byzantium relies on the UB's strong faith generation in order to make the UA relevant. Byzantium's existing UA cannot be transplanted to another civ without a dependable faith engine and be expected to work. I'm sure the historicity will take a hit or whatever, but the other proposals are sacrificing playability for authenticity, and that's not a good trade.
Dar Al-Shifa
  • I like this move to grocer; this unstacks Arabia from Korea's Seowon and onto its own UB (as long as we manage to axe the Austrian Coffeehouse)
  • The Yields on faith purchase was originally conceived and designed for Arabia. I'm attached to it for various reasons, and it's just a damn good bonus. It makes even more sense for Arabia with this new UA than it did previously
  • The previously stated abilities for the Dar Al-shifa were all over the place; these abilities are already coded and ready to go, and they give the UB a strong identity while still being unique and accessible
  • There are a 2 versions of the Baghlah proposal out now, and I prefer @azum4roll 's. I agree that the frigate matches the timing better. Furthermore, we have quite a few Caravels and not nearly as many unique frigates
Camel Archer
  • The abilities moved onto the Camel Archer are originally designed for the Hashemite Raider, which has been axed from these proposals for the Baghlah
  • The AOE on pillage was conceived and designed for Arabia first, long before Denmark had it. It is a more unique bonus than the splash damage.
  • The Movement in desert bonus is because the unit is a camel. It is a comparable bonus to the feared elephant promotion that all elephant units get. It makes sense, and also is way less annoying than withdraw from melee attack.
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The yield is still only maximized if you forward settle (or be forward settled), or your borders will be out of the city's working range.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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