Repost of Hinin's original proposal
Current : See pineappledan's proposals for 4UC Arabia
and Byzantium
Proposal :
- Swap the Arabian and Byzantine UA for the following results :
UU1 - Guzat (replaces Heavy Skirmisher) => same art as Camel Archer
Unlocks at Physics
Standard costs
Does not require Horses
19 (+2) 16 (+2)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Withdraw Before Melee
Ship of the Desert -- Ignores terrain in desert, lost on upgrade
Ghazi -- 15 AoE damage on pillage
UB1 - Souq (replaces Market) => Same art as Bazaar
Unlocked at Trade
110 Production cost
+3 Gold
+3 Food
+1 Science
Converts 10 % of Gold spent in the City into Food.
+1 Gold to Trade Routes coming to / from the City
Land Trade Routes from the City gain 50% range
+100% Pressure towards Cities connected by a Trade Route
+1 Gold / Food to Cinnamon / Sugar worked by the City
1 Merchant specialist
UU2 - Baghlah (replaces Caravel) => art by janboruta, from Oman civ
Unlocked at Compass
160 Production cost
4 MP / 2 Vision
26 CS (+1)
Can move after attacking - Lost upon upgrade
Pincer - +10% flanking attack bonus ; ignores ZOC
Piracy promotion (100% Gold on kill, 100% damage to cities as gold)
UB2 - Dar al-Shifa (replaces Grocer) => same art as the Bimaristan
Unlocked at Astronomy (instead of Chemistry) => same tech tier, but at the center for more versatility in the tech path
500 Production cost
4 GPT maintenance cost
+1 Happiness
+1 Food per 5 Citizens in the City
15 % of Food is carried over when a new Citizen is born in the City
15% of Faith Purchases in the City are converted to Food and Science
Land Units in this City heal 5 hp per turn whatever their action.
+1 Yield from Specialists in the City
-1 Unhappiness from Poverty in the City
UU1 - Cataphract (replaces Knight)
Unlocked at Chivalry
175 Production / 300 Faith cost
Requires Horse
Mounted Unit
3 MP / 2 Vision (-1 / 0)
27 CS (+2)
Armor Plating I
Resilient - +10 HP ; always fight at full strength ; lost upon upgrade
Can move after attacking
No Terrain Defense
Attack penalty against Cities
UI - Aplekton (replaces Fort) => from DuskJockey's Byzantium
Unlocked at Engineering
Cannot be built adjacent to another Aplekton
Reveals tiles within 3 tiles (can be blocked by rough terrain) -- note this is a column already used by Feitoria (at least)
+50% CS to defending Units
+1 Food
+1 Production
+2 Border Growth points
1 food, 1 prod, 2 BGP for road connection
2 food, 2 prod, 4 BGP for railroad
1 food, 1 prod, 2 BGP for trade route, doubled in Industrial or later (as with Village)
Aplekton and your owned tiles adjacent to them cannot be claimed by rival culture bombs (no protection if pillaged)
Receives the same bonus yields from techs and policies as the Fort, plus the following tech bonuses :
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Banking ;
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Fertilizer ;
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Radio.
UU2 - Dromon (replaces Liburna)
Unlocked at Sailing
100 Production cost / 200 Faith cost
4 MP / 2 Vision
10 CS / 13 RCS / 1 Range (+3 / -3 / 0)
Dreadful - Reduces the Combat Strength of rival adjacent Units by 15%
Sea Fire - When attacking or defending in melee, inflicts the "In Flame" plague for 3 turns, increasing all damages received by 5.
Can move after attacking
Attack malus against Land Units
Cannot Melee Attack
Shallow Draft
Cannot end a Movement on an Ocean Tile
UNW - Hippodromos (replaces Circus Maximus)
Available at Metal Casting
80 Production cost (scaling with number of Cities in Empire) / No Citizen requirement
Must be built in the Capital
Provides 2 Horses
+3 Happiness (instead of +2)
+2 Gold per Citizen in the City
Convert 15% of the Culture of the City into Food.
+10% Culture and Gold during WLTKD in the City
Whenever a new WLTKD is triggered in the City, a Historic Event is triggered
+2 Gold to Arenas in the Empire.
-1 Unhappiness from Boredom
Rationale :
Ok... so, let's begin !
The original idea comes from a simple concept : the current UA bonus of Byzantium just goes so well with Arabia's imperial history, as did the Arabian current UA for Byzantium. As a consequence, I wanted to try to do something about this situation (which I did in my tweaks). Afterwards, ideas and reactions from other people gathered around this idea, and it also evolved in my head. The result is here for you to read.
Now, let's go piece by piece :
- Arabian UA : now previous Byzantium UA, without any change needed. It is powerful, flexible, and it shows well the impact Muhammad had on Arabian history (in so many ways).
- Byzantium UA : it has been nerfed on its most balance nightmare part (the GP part is just so snowbally it is difficult to conceive things around, so better axe it) and boosted in specific ways to allow for different strategies (the free Historic Event from Barbarian Encampment is not only thematic, it also allows Authority Byzantium to be a thing).
- Arabia UU1 (Guzat) : We have no early skirmisher unit in the early game, and having it at around the same time the Arabian religion should come online is thematic and it gives the civ a real springbox feeling. This, plus the lack of Horse requirement and the reduced cost, means that the unit shouldn't have much more combat power compared to the Heavy Skirmisher, or it would be oppressive. The Withdraw Before Melee part allows the unit to be survivable (and so gain more experience its in lifetime) and entrap enemy units which try to catch it without pushing the enveloppe too far.
- Arabia UB1 (Suq) : With the departure of the current UA from the Arabian kit, the Bazaar has to change. The idea there was to make the building a toolbox for the civ, with several bonuses that can be powerful when used correctly, but don't help the civ that much at first. The bonus Gold / Faith from followers of rival Religions not only punishes those who push the religious game too early against Arabia (for it will give the civ the Faith it lacks to gain its Prophet early), but also symbolizes pre-Islamic religious history in the region, and later the dhimmi presence within the Empire, with the advantages and challenges it represents historically and in term of gameplay (especially in case of conquests).
- Arabia UU2 (Baghlah) : Although I like the Hashemite Raider, I do think it comes too late to truly affect the game state. Arabian naval history, which had important effects on world history, was also underepresented, hence my choice for the Baghlah. In term of gameplay, it is a versatile (as is meant to be the rest of the Arabian kit) unit with lower economic burden (since it was used mostly as a commerce and pirate ship) and a wolfpack playstyle.
- Arabia UB2 (Dar al-Shifa) : Once againt meant to be versatile, this early version of the Hospital also comes with big advantages for those who balanced their economy well by offering potentially major Science and defensive bonuses. It is not flashy, but quite potent and rewarding.
- Byzantium UU1 (Cataphract) : Although powerful and interesting, I've always found the current version of the Cataphract a bit clunky : its minor bonus against Cities (-25% CS instead of -33% CS) takes design space for no interesting or impactful reason, and its bonus in flat terrain is so massive it creates a weird power spike for a unit that wants to be slow but reliable. I decided to go fully into the direction of a defensive knight (the kit is already geared towards playing tall and defensive) with the added bonus of providing surrounding units (especially ranged units) support to end the job (which allows the Byzantine front to be more stable) and some offensive power in flat terrain to still have our armored charge dream.
- Byzantium UI (Aplekton) : A mix of an original idea of mine and pineappledan's input, this improvement is meant to provide a direct counter to one of the most unfair ways an enemy can break the Byzantine turtle strategy while also giving some bonus yields (quite useful for new secondary cities), defense and good vision. With good technologies and policies, it can also become truly important in generating an important amount of science.
- Byzantium UU2 (Dromon) : I do find that, even in 4UC, the Dromon is a bit clunky. Its plague promotion, although interesting, is quite niche, and its one splash damage promotion alone isn't enough to make the difference I feel. This is why I decided to make the unit a true 1 range aoe terror with double the splash damage promotions and a terror aura, in exchange for reduced base ranged combat strength. Its availability at Education not only reflects how Greek Fire was a genuine (and genius) invention of the empire, but also synergizes with the civ's focus on specialists and allows the civ's power spike to be relevant on land and on the seas at the same time (I do find that, in this particular case, the two powerspikes don't stack too much, since they are on different parts of the battlefield and on units with quite different roles).
- Byzantium UB (Tetraconch) : In addition to providing the necessary faith to really push the civ into overdrive and scale throughout the game, I wanted to focus the building more on the theme of defensive scaling and helping the Capital. This Great Musician bonus, although a bit clunky I admit, is meant to provide this "wide specialist helping tall" strategy we dreamt about with pineappledan some time ago within a kit for which it totally makes sense.
So, that's all. As always, don't hesitate to express your opinions on the various ideas, and thanks for reading.
Edit 1 : Removed the Barbarian Encampment clearing bonus from Byzantium UA (too random) ; change the Tetraconch for the Hippodromos, and move the TRoute bonus of the building to the Arabian Suq ; limited the science + defense bonus of the Dar al-Shifa to +15% and +5 respectively ; added tech bonuses to the Aplekton.
Edit 2 : Replaced Faith with Gold in the Byzantine UA. Replaces Splash Damage I & II by a plague effect for the Dromon that increases flat damages received for afflicted enemies. Replaces the GP effect of the Hippodrome by a converter of Culture into Food (allowing the Byzantine capital to sustain itself from its cultural fame alone if used well). Changed Baghlah's free promotion from Skirmisher Doctrine to Pincer and reduced its base CS to compensate (ignore ZOC + movement after attack can be vicious) based on @azum4roll's review.
(8-WD) Arabia & Byzantium 4UC Swap
Current : See pineappledan's proposals for 4UC Arabia and Byzantium here and there respectively. Proposal : - Swap the Arabian and Byzantine UA for the following results : Arabia - Seal of the Prophets - Can always found a Religion, receives one additional Belief when founding, and may select...
(8-02) 4UC Arabia
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Arabian civilization.
(8-08) 4UC Byzantium
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Byzantine civilization.
Proposal :
- Swap the Arabian and Byzantine UA for the following results :
- Arabia - Seal of the Prophets:
Can always found a Religion, receives one additional Belief when founding, and may select Beliefs present in other Religions.
-15% Faith purchase costs,
and may purchase unlocked Great People starting in the Classical Era. - Byzantium - Queen of Cities:
When you complete a Historic Event, gain +1 Science, Culture and Gold in the Capital.
Converting a City to your main Religion for the first time triggers an Historic Event.
Spoiler :
UU1 - Guzat (replaces Heavy Skirmisher) => same art as Camel Archer
Unlocks at Physics
Standard costs
Does not require Horses
19 (+2) 16 (+2)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Ship of the Desert -- Ignores terrain in desert, lost on upgrade
Ghazi -- 15 AoE damage on pillage
UB1 - Souq (replaces Market) => Same art as Bazaar
Unlocked at Trade
110 Production cost
+3 Gold
+3 Food
+1 Science
Converts 10 % of Gold spent in the City into Food.
+1 Gold to Trade Routes coming to / from the City
Land Trade Routes from the City gain 50% range
+100% Pressure towards Cities connected by a Trade Route
+1 Gold / Food to Cinnamon / Sugar worked by the City
1 Merchant specialist
UU2 - Baghlah (replaces Caravel) => art by janboruta, from Oman civ
Unlocked at Compass
160 Production cost
4 MP / 2 Vision
26 CS (+1)
Can move after attacking - Lost upon upgrade
Pincer - +10% flanking attack bonus ; ignores ZOC
Piracy promotion (100% Gold on kill, 100% damage to cities as gold)
UB2 - Dar al-Shifa (replaces Grocer) => same art as the Bimaristan
Unlocked at Astronomy (instead of Chemistry) => same tech tier, but at the center for more versatility in the tech path
500 Production cost
4 GPT maintenance cost
+1 Happiness
+1 Food per 5 Citizens in the City
15 % of Food is carried over when a new Citizen is born in the City
15% of Faith Purchases in the City are converted to Food and Science
Land Units in this City heal 5 hp per turn whatever their action.
+1 Yield from Specialists in the City
-1 Unhappiness from Poverty in the City
Spoiler :
UU1 - Cataphract (replaces Knight)
Unlocked at Chivalry
175 Production / 300 Faith cost
Requires Horse
Mounted Unit
3 MP / 2 Vision (-1 / 0)
27 CS (+2)
Armor Plating I
Resilient - +10 HP ; always fight at full strength ; lost upon upgrade
Can move after attacking
No Terrain Defense
Attack penalty against Cities
UI - Aplekton (replaces Fort) => from DuskJockey's Byzantium
Unlocked at Engineering
Cannot be built adjacent to another Aplekton
Reveals tiles within 3 tiles (can be blocked by rough terrain) -- note this is a column already used by Feitoria (at least)
+50% CS to defending Units
+1 Food
+1 Production
+2 Border Growth points
1 food, 1 prod, 2 BGP for road connection
2 food, 2 prod, 4 BGP for railroad
1 food, 1 prod, 2 BGP for trade route, doubled in Industrial or later (as with Village)
Aplekton and your owned tiles adjacent to them cannot be claimed by rival culture bombs (no protection if pillaged)
Receives the same bonus yields from techs and policies as the Fort, plus the following tech bonuses :
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Banking ;
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Fertilizer ;
- +1 Food / Production and +2 BGpoints at Radio.
UU2 - Dromon (replaces Liburna)
Unlocked at Sailing
100 Production cost / 200 Faith cost
4 MP / 2 Vision
10 CS / 13 RCS / 1 Range (+3 / -3 / 0)
Dreadful - Reduces the Combat Strength of rival adjacent Units by 15%
Sea Fire - When attacking or defending in melee, inflicts the "In Flame" plague for 3 turns, increasing all damages received by 5.
Can move after attacking
Cannot Melee Attack
Shallow Draft
Cannot end a Movement on an Ocean Tile
UNW - Hippodromos (replaces Circus Maximus)
Available at Metal Casting
80 Production cost (scaling with number of Cities in Empire) / No Citizen requirement
Must be built in the Capital
Provides 2 Horses
+3 Happiness (instead of +2)
+2 Gold per Citizen in the City
Convert 15% of the Culture of the City into Food.
+10% Culture and Gold during WLTKD in the City
Whenever a new WLTKD is triggered in the City, a Historic Event is triggered
+2 Gold to Arenas in the Empire.
-1 Unhappiness from Boredom
Rationale :
Spoiler :
Ok... so, let's begin !
The original idea comes from a simple concept : the current UA bonus of Byzantium just goes so well with Arabia's imperial history, as did the Arabian current UA for Byzantium. As a consequence, I wanted to try to do something about this situation (which I did in my tweaks). Afterwards, ideas and reactions from other people gathered around this idea, and it also evolved in my head. The result is here for you to read.
Now, let's go piece by piece :
- Arabian UA : now previous Byzantium UA, without any change needed. It is powerful, flexible, and it shows well the impact Muhammad had on Arabian history (in so many ways).
- Byzantium UA : it has been nerfed on its most balance nightmare part (the GP part is just so snowbally it is difficult to conceive things around, so better axe it) and boosted in specific ways to allow for different strategies (the free Historic Event from Barbarian Encampment is not only thematic, it also allows Authority Byzantium to be a thing).
- Arabia UU1 (Guzat) : We have no early skirmisher unit in the early game, and having it at around the same time the Arabian religion should come online is thematic and it gives the civ a real springbox feeling. This, plus the lack of Horse requirement and the reduced cost, means that the unit shouldn't have much more combat power compared to the Heavy Skirmisher, or it would be oppressive. The Withdraw Before Melee part allows the unit to be survivable (and so gain more experience its in lifetime) and entrap enemy units which try to catch it without pushing the enveloppe too far.
- Arabia UB1 (Suq) : With the departure of the current UA from the Arabian kit, the Bazaar has to change. The idea there was to make the building a toolbox for the civ, with several bonuses that can be powerful when used correctly, but don't help the civ that much at first. The bonus Gold / Faith from followers of rival Religions not only punishes those who push the religious game too early against Arabia (for it will give the civ the Faith it lacks to gain its Prophet early), but also symbolizes pre-Islamic religious history in the region, and later the dhimmi presence within the Empire, with the advantages and challenges it represents historically and in term of gameplay (especially in case of conquests).
- Arabia UU2 (Baghlah) : Although I like the Hashemite Raider, I do think it comes too late to truly affect the game state. Arabian naval history, which had important effects on world history, was also underepresented, hence my choice for the Baghlah. In term of gameplay, it is a versatile (as is meant to be the rest of the Arabian kit) unit with lower economic burden (since it was used mostly as a commerce and pirate ship) and a wolfpack playstyle.
- Arabia UB2 (Dar al-Shifa) : Once againt meant to be versatile, this early version of the Hospital also comes with big advantages for those who balanced their economy well by offering potentially major Science and defensive bonuses. It is not flashy, but quite potent and rewarding.
- Byzantium UU1 (Cataphract) : Although powerful and interesting, I've always found the current version of the Cataphract a bit clunky : its minor bonus against Cities (-25% CS instead of -33% CS) takes design space for no interesting or impactful reason, and its bonus in flat terrain is so massive it creates a weird power spike for a unit that wants to be slow but reliable. I decided to go fully into the direction of a defensive knight (the kit is already geared towards playing tall and defensive) with the added bonus of providing surrounding units (especially ranged units) support to end the job (which allows the Byzantine front to be more stable) and some offensive power in flat terrain to still have our armored charge dream.
- Byzantium UI (Aplekton) : A mix of an original idea of mine and pineappledan's input, this improvement is meant to provide a direct counter to one of the most unfair ways an enemy can break the Byzantine turtle strategy while also giving some bonus yields (quite useful for new secondary cities), defense and good vision. With good technologies and policies, it can also become truly important in generating an important amount of science.
- Byzantium UU2 (Dromon) : I do find that, even in 4UC, the Dromon is a bit clunky. Its plague promotion, although interesting, is quite niche, and its one splash damage promotion alone isn't enough to make the difference I feel. This is why I decided to make the unit a true 1 range aoe terror with double the splash damage promotions and a terror aura, in exchange for reduced base ranged combat strength. Its availability at Education not only reflects how Greek Fire was a genuine (and genius) invention of the empire, but also synergizes with the civ's focus on specialists and allows the civ's power spike to be relevant on land and on the seas at the same time (I do find that, in this particular case, the two powerspikes don't stack too much, since they are on different parts of the battlefield and on units with quite different roles).
- Byzantium UB (Tetraconch) : In addition to providing the necessary faith to really push the civ into overdrive and scale throughout the game, I wanted to focus the building more on the theme of defensive scaling and helping the Capital. This Great Musician bonus, although a bit clunky I admit, is meant to provide this "wide specialist helping tall" strategy we dreamt about with pineappledan some time ago within a kit for which it totally makes sense.
So, that's all. As always, don't hesitate to express your opinions on the various ideas, and thanks for reading.
Edit 1 : Removed the Barbarian Encampment clearing bonus from Byzantium UA (too random) ; change the Tetraconch for the Hippodromos, and move the TRoute bonus of the building to the Arabian Suq ; limited the science + defense bonus of the Dar al-Shifa to +15% and +5 respectively ; added tech bonuses to the Aplekton.
Edit 2 : Replaced Faith with Gold in the Byzantine UA. Replaces Splash Damage I & II by a plague effect for the Dromon that increases flat damages received for afflicted enemies. Replaces the GP effect of the Hippodrome by a converter of Culture into Food (allowing the Byzantine capital to sustain itself from its cultural fame alone if used well). Changed Baghlah's free promotion from Skirmisher Doctrine to Pincer and reduced its base CS to compensate (ignore ZOC + movement after attack can be vicious) based on @azum4roll's review.
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