ltcoljt, It's funny how you distort reality. If we were against the war in Iraq then it automatically means we were supporting terrorism and we were against Israel ??!!?!
Listen to me. I'm someone who wants EVEN MORE THAN YOU to see terrorism disappearing. And when I say "more than you", it means "more than you", not "as much as you".
The war against terrorism is a war in people's mind and nowhere else. Terrorism is dangerous once it's supported by any opinion. Terrorism is dangerous because of opinions. I always considered the best way to fight terrorism was to support democratic moves in the Arab World such as what we're seeing in Algeria. I'm not saying everything is perfect in Algeria but it's by far the arab country which is the closer to Democracy. Actually, Algeria is a democracy... the little problem is that the 2nd biggest party (fundamentalists) is forbidden.
As Truman gave back hope, peace and prosperity to Western Europe, I always considered the thing to do for the Arab world was the same. And that's why I was opposed to the war against Iraq, because we weren't giving any hope to the arabs, we were humiliating them once again.
So I say again what I mean, now that the war had been made, there's no other choice than to change it into a way to give back to iraqis hope, peace and prosperity... I didn't wait very long to think that. I thought that since Bush's declaration of war. I'm part of the people who were thinking that since war occured, then France had to take part of it whatever they've said before. Only because since it's done, we must do everything to make it work.