9/11 truthers confront Bill Clinton, full video.

How would I know that? New libels appear every day. You included aspects of some of the old libels in your blather so your retreat to "2033 is new" is stupid and possibly dishonest.

Umm, when did this turn into a serious discussion? Statements like the one I made and others have been the butt of jokes for decades now, to show how stupid racists are. Speaking of which, statements similar to mine have been uttered before, and everyone "got the joke" however, you come along and "take me to task" on it. Where were you when other people made this statement? It is you who is hypocritical. You hold a grudge from that other thread, when it should be me who holds the grudge. However, i'll take the moral high ground by ignoring your personal crusade against me.
Hmm..looks to me like a nature doc, showing the Minnesotta Raving Idiot (Conspiracius nutjobba) in its natural habitat.

Gee, I wish I had time to run around after politicians yelling "NO NEW WORLD ORDER! TELL THEM ABOUT BILDERBERG!!!". Yeah, guys, we get it: everyone's been fooled except for you, somehow...
I think its meant to be Parody.
Not a new and exxagerated brand of anti-semetism ;)
I have a strong distate for nearly all conspiracy theorists. Most of the conspiracy theories about groups supposedly linked to the Evil of Evils, the Freemasons, can be traced back to either Leo Taxil - who openly admitted he was lying - or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 9/11 truthers particularly should just give up: they're disrespecting the families and loved ones of the victims killed in the Trade Centres, and in the terrorist attacks in other countries. If it wasn't al-Qa'ida who was it? Bush? The US attacking itself? Give me a break.
Sorry, but there are way too many anti-Semitic libels floating around for this kind of thing to be easily recognizable as a spoof. And you included enough of the standard rhetoric about Zionist bankers to make it look like all the rest.
How can a person be both anti-semitic and liberal?
Apart from the obvious problem with it just being plain wrong, you forget that amongst the staple points of being liberal is the belief of nationalism.
Those 9/11 conspiracy nuts have been particularly active lately. Anyone know what prompted that?
How can a person be both anti-semitic and liberal?
Apart from the obvious problem with it just being plain wrong, you forget that amongst the staple points of being liberal is the belief of nationalism.

The word he used was LIBEL, not LIBERAL, by the way. ;)
Those 9/11 conspiracy nuts have been particularly active lately. Anyone know what prompted that?
As the masses walk away from them, they shout louder.

The same thing happened in America's "wild west" frontier days. Back then it was the wolf instead of the government conspiracy, and the trapper instead of the 9/11 truther. As wolves were hunted to extinction in the U.S., wolf hunters and trappers became irrelevant. What did the hunters and trappers do? They didn't fade gracefully into the history books--they started protesting. More and more loudly. Saying the threat from wild wolves was worse than ever, making up increasingly impossible numbers.
Clinton did a great job, and kept nice focus. Professional.
What is it with all 9/11 conspiracy fanatics being jackasses at public speeches?

Its the only way they can get heard. No one cares or listens to them so they have to scream and shout. At a free venue I wouldn't care as much but the people in the audience say they paid to be there. Ruining it for people who paid is just ridiculous. I'd sue these idiots if I was one of the paying public.
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