A Brave New World Part 2

I've already thought up a good number of roleplaying oppertunities that the Church might help with. For example a well paid emigration of those English who wish to live away from the Axis to foreign nations, especially the Metis and Iroquis. I figure 200 Economy Points can easily be raised (75 from military sales, 50 from donations, 15 for selling fortifications, 60 from the Co-Axial Pact), in return for a promise to bear no grudge against France.
A solution to the insoluable? I can only hope the Church can encourage a miracle.
Um why would you try and migrate away from nations where Catholicism is not only not persecuted, but the predominate religion? That seems mighty out of character to me.
Yeah I am not saying that the "target nations" are not catholic, but its not like the catholics in the Axis nations suffer, in fact they are the ruling class for the most part. Though at least for Italy religion is not persecuted.
Yeah I am not saying that the "target nations" are not catholic, but its not like the catholics in the Axis nations suffer, in fact they are the ruling class for the most part. Though at least for Italy religion is not persecuted.

Korea too is majority Catholic.
...those English who wish to live away from the Axis nations...
As you point out Catholics would largely be in the opposite of the targeting group. My concern is for the general suffering of the English people due to the blockade and secondarily the freedom of those who wish to live in a democracy. If they are allowed a good oppertunity to leave and remain in peace then this will preserve both those who leave and those who wish to stay behind.

Incidentally during the evacuation process England's income could be routed to help rebuild Scotland and England.
I hope that if all this comes to pass France will allow it, England will desire it and that the target nations accept the influx of wealthy migrants.
If they sell their weapons to the international community and their fortifications and land to the French and take donations from the Church and the international community then it should be possible to amass 200 economic points for those who leave.

I've had a look at the English military and it's support batallions are quite substantial. Seventyfive economic points would be the peacetime purchasing price of its support batallions alone, and if the Axis pays another seventyfive for England and its fortifications and the international community pays fifty then two hundred will be reached. If the evacuation process takes five years then fifty points could be poured into reconstruction as the Axis take over.

Of course this all depends on the assent of England and France and enough nations all over the globe willing to take in the diaspora.
England's doing that strikes me as massively unlikely, particularly after all they've been through, especially because this is organized by the Vatican.
OOC: Hmmm... oh well. Thanks for the tip. I'll let it drop, the parties will surely contact me if interested and if I'm affirmed as the (player of the) Catholic Church.

IC: I think that if we look back at the accelerating advances in aeronautics that God has gifted man with since the advent of zeppelins at the turn of the century and later weaponized aircraft in the Lord's year of 1923, Portuguese and French planes will some day reach over all of England. Unless it is in the Lord's will to grant the English a miracle the suffering of these fellow souls will not cease till that day. If both parties can find common ground then know that the Vatican will be a neutral party in helping to facilitate peace, despite the majority Catholic population of most Co-Axial nations.

If not then perhaps New England could help? She is an Axis member with deep cultural and ethnic roots to Europe, England in particular, and hosts a large body of Protestants and Anglicans.
You know, 'cuase their King (Good ol' Henry the Ninth) is still the head of the Church of England.

Edit: Ninja'd
Oh, but the Catholic Church isn't interested in achieving worldly influence in England or the world through such a proposal or to fragment the episcopal system of England. We merely wish to mediate in what appears to be an insoluable situation between good Christians of different worldly polities.

England's hasty decision to leave the Mother Church centuries ago is far behind us and we bear no grudge leading to bias nor intent to rectify the mistake. To do so would be to pervert the political process of peacemaking and perhaps damage the important efforts.
In a brief summary: it's been a rough week so far, and we're only halfway through.

I REALLY want to be done with the conversion tonight. I'm hoping that this will be the case, and I continue to apologize for the delays.
Sorry if the Church thinks We're going to Sell our land to the French? No, sorry but no, never ever, ever, ever. By the time they take our land it will be barren from the salt spilt from their cold dead bodies. And though we understand some people may like to leave for a better life, no true Englishmen would abandon his land in its time of need.
France does not recognize England and finds their state insoluble. There can be no peace.

(OOC: mortal enemies 4ever)



Map progress moving much more slowly than anticipated... if I don't have the map completed tomorrow, I won't have it up for the launch, at all. I apologize for the inconvenience.
OOC: Love you too Czreth
The Universal Church grieves that man is not willing to find a solution to this conflict and prays to God that it might end decisively soon.
We are merely manifesting God's will. They have turned their backs on the Holy Trinity - we understand the modern bishops of the Church have forgiven this act, but we know that God is not so forgiving.
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