I'm really glad to hear about a new version soon , (how soon?

), I know this is not a final version, and so I give all my impressions about the game, I like challenging games, but if you take away too many thing until turn 360, is not a challenge but a little bit boring.
I also think that 300 turns it's sometimes too short, but now that you have made a great change making it untill 600, the game needs to be rebalanced .
Btw, some kind of "era advisor" would be very appreciated, knowing how far is the following era and which are the requirements to start the next one ASAP
As I said, building warships an cannons was an important part of the game, but so far until turn 360 you cant build cannons nor equip any warship... is a loooong wait, and in the meantime you just can buy them, it doesnt make sense that you can buy them but not build them (you CAN build warships, but without cannons they are useless)
About cannons-artillery, starting revolution takes you to third era, but this means that you havent built any cannon so far, and the king's army has like 60-80 artillery, there's no way to win this way, besides delaying cannons until turn 360 is also too long, they are fun and a good part of the game. Cannons should be available at least in the second era.
But my first concern is to reivindicate carperters work, right now they become useless in the middle second era, when you have built everything in the city and all the FF are chosen, and now what?? you are like 200-250 turn, and there's still 400 turns to go....,
They need something to do, making cannons was a good job, when the city is finished.
Besides they cant build "viable" warships until turn 360, and even in that case you still need cannons.
Carpenters are good people, dont leave them without job

(lumberjacks think the same way)
Actually I liked to have some cities making cannons, other making ships, and so on, right now carperters-lumberjacks, after 200-250 turn become useless, and are just good to make soldiers (not better than any criminal

I'm looking forward to see the next version, I hope all this feedbacks is useful is some way to improve the mod (that I really like), I hope this helps.