A Democracy game?

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the fish collecter
May 21, 2001
pond 59
I just though of this idea.What if i would run a game on my computer ,constantly updating the game situation to you guy's ,and everybody could vote here what would have to happen.Kinda like a Democratic game.I would begin with a setler ,settle a city.From then on the collective thinking of this site's members would civilize the world.

On the other hand ,the work and organization that is involved in this is big. :(

We could maybe start with some classes.Some people could be ellected as gouvernor ,or as general ,one as president for let's say 4 turns ,that sort of stuff.Or any other system.With all of them having a specific duty.A Gouverner will manege 1 city and surroundings for ex. ,a general a specific number of unit's ,a scientist will vote for wich tech to resaerch.Everybody can vote to ellect a president.The president is the big boss ,and can decide almost anything.Maybe we could even have a senate with all gouverner's.The senate would have the veto right.

well ,there is to much to think off ,does anybody have other idea's?
I like it, explain some more of how it would work. ;)
I love the idea.

But it would be a tough thing to manage. You want to limit the players, and the posters should be regulars. One day could be 1 turn.....thus making a full game, almost 2 years.

You would need a cabinet of 8 people....that basically run the game. Each player in the head group would run a "department" (Military, Trade, Science, Expansion/Exploration, City Planning, and Diplomacy), except for one which would be the President, and another that would maintain the forum topic's and aclumate data. The terms for each position would last for 20 turns. At the end a new president is voted. But only from the 7 remaining cabinet members. Then new cabinet members can be voted in. Nominations would begin 6 turns before the Elections, and on 19 turn the cabinet member in charge of the forum/info would host polls to elect the new leader(s). The elections would last turn 19 and 20 and on turn 21 a winner declared.

The regular players would do the voting but in the event that the forum is down, or a tie breaker is needed, then the department heads would have to make the decision. Everyone can vote on decissions in the following areas and the cabinet members would belong to the following: Military, Trade, Science, Expansion/Exploration, City Planning, and Diplomacy.

Now....we should limit the entire game to 50 players (If we can get that many. ;)) That would make 8 cabinet members and 42 other voters. The game can be uploaded at the end of each turn for review, and screenshots can also be uploaded for very important decisions.

Oh....I love this idea soooooo much!!!

If you guys like what I have written so far and want to procede. I wish to be considered for leader of Expansion/Exploration (as this is the best part of my Civ game.), and the president should be TheDuckOfFlanders as it was his idea. Others can be nominated/volunteer ASAP.

So....what do you think??
Cornmaster ,i like your idea's to. :goodjob:
It's constructive to the general idea ,and youre system is far more easier to manage.I'll join with youre system.Oh and i don't need to bee the president.you may do that job if you manage the actual game and follow-up.i would be glad for once to be just a major or something. :)

Now....we should limit the entire game to 50 players (If we can get that many. ) That would make 8 cabinet members and 42 other voters. The game can be uploaded at the end of each turn for review, and screenshots can also be uploaded for very important decisions.

As i said ,as a true forum master i think you would be much better orginazing such a game than me ,you have more experience in this i guess.I even think we could maybe need a new forum for this.

I mean ,this is just the beginning of a concept that need's a lot of refining.I guess we will learn from the experience of the first game.

Oh....I love this idea soooooo much!!!

Oh i'm glad of have gotten this idea in my head. :crazyeyes

I'm off to sleep now ,we'll talk some more tomorow.
I think Corn's idea will be easier to implement, and that we may start a new forum for it, maybe a "Tales" kind of thing! :D
  • 8 Cabinet Members
  • Each cabinet member heads a department
  • Departments include President, Information Officer, Military Leader, Expansion Leader, Science Leader, Trade Leader, City Planner Leader, and Diplomacy Leader.
  • The Department head's duties are to post polls and get users input. With the poll results and input they give info to the President, who plays them out in the game.
  • Below the department heads are the deputy leaders. They will make decisions in the absent of the leader. The Information Officer is the Vice President and takes over President's responsibilities if he/she is absent.
  • The Department Head's have the right to break ties or make minor decisions on their own. In case of forum outage or low partication they would be allowed to make all decision in their related area.
  • The President is the Department Head of the Department Head's and has privilages there of. But CAN NOT overturn decisions made by the Department Head's but can tie break, and make minor decisions, and decisions with no input (but these should be rare.)
  • There can be civilian agencies/groups that form to do a certian task. Example would be history tracking group, activists against pollution, or activists against War against a neghiboor.
Game Dynamics:
  • One day = one turn in the game.
  • 8 cabinet members and 42 regular members.
  • Polls and decussions would be posted all day, and at night the President would make the moves.
  • The saved game and screen shots can be uploaded for review.
  • After turn one the President MUST report to the forum WITH a screenshot. Then the polls begin for the Expansion, City Planning, and Science Department. Once these first decisions are made, the President may procede playing multiple turns until another decision must be made. In which he reports to the forum. This can only continue for the first 50 turns MAXIMUM! And can end earlier at the Presidents descression.
  • No ONE is allowed to download and play out a saved game. You may download it to review the current situation. But you must not play it. Penality is Death, by fierce Shunning.
  • Terms last 30 turns
  • Two terms maximum in a row at one position. But can be elected for other positions at end of two terms. Also can get former position once out of it for a term.
  • President can only be elected from remaining cabinet members. Other department heads are elected from the general players. Runner-ups for department heads automatically become deputy leaders for that area, for the term.
  • On turn 24 of the term, nominations begin. On turn 29 the information officer would post polls for all positions of nominated members. On turn 31 a winner is declared, and a new term begins.
  • Every citizen belongs to a city of the nation, and can move to other cities when they please. This will be updated on a city list thread.

Departments and their duties.
President: Is responsible for actually playing the game. Also gathers info from other Department Heads on how the game is to be played. Breaks ties and makes decisions that haven't been made by department heads.
Information Officer: Responsible for handling elections and record keeping on the members, polls, etc... Also Vice President, and takes over in event that President is missing.
Military Leader: Host polls on military actions, defence, and (If war has been declared) war time actions. Reports military decisions to the President.
Science Leader: Host polls about science rates, and technology goals. Both through research, espionage, and conquering!
Trade Leader: Host polls about tax rate. Trade within Cities, and with foregin powers.
City Planner Leader: Hosts polls on what cities should build what. And how workers should be distrubuted.
Expansion Leader: Host polls about exploration, and city expansion. Picking best city places, roads and rails that fall outside City Borders (These are responibility of City Planners)
Diplomacy Leader: Host polls about wars, alliances, trades of tech, gold etc....to other nations. And also Government Types.
Regular Players: Their responsibilites are to vote in polls posed by leaders, as well as discuss possible alternatives.

It's also the responsibility of the leaders to plan ahead. Post polls on possible outcomes of war or City Capture, so that the president doesn't have to make all the decissions.

It may become evident that the department heads or President aren't making decisions based on what is being voted on. Anyone can call a hearing, and pose evidence against one of the eight cabinet menbers. Then they get to defend themselves. Then a vote. While an Impeachment trial is ongoing the deputy leader takes over for the leader in question. Hopefully these situations will be few and far between....but it's best to have established protocals incase it happens.

Chain of Command:
This is basically the rank of the cabinet members in case of a catastrohpic event that kills off several members (figurativeily...not literialy. ;))
Information Officer (Vice President)
Diplomacy Leader
Military Leader
City Planner Leader
Expansion Leader
Trade Leader
Science Leader

(This doesn't rank the members in anyway.....everyone on the cabinet are the same "rank", but incase of accident this chain must be established to prevent power strugles. Like in the US system. President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc...)

And now....for the Sign-up sheet.
1. CornMaster - Information Officer.
2. AoA - Military Leader.
3. TheDuckOfFlanders - President
4. spycatcher34 - City Planner Leader
5. Hippo - Diplomacy Leader
6. duke o' york
7. allan
8. dreadhead7 - Science Leader
9. adamsj
10. SpaceCow
11. .:KNAS:.
12. MCdread
13. knowltok
14. Juize
15. andycapp
16. Endureth - Trade Leader
17. Apollo
18. Atros
19. Knight-Dragon
20. goodyhut - Expansion Leader
21. jiml_63
22. jomey
23. animepornstar
24. redtom
25. Poto
26. jumbo2002
27. King of England
28. Pggar
29. Witchfinder
30. Fayadi
31. willemvanoranje
32. Sixchan
33. Eli
34. SharThal
35. Dexter
36. Unknown soldier

Your Ruling Cabinet and deputy leaders:
President: TheDuckOfFlanders
Information Officer (Vice President): CornMaster (Deputy Info Officer: Poto)
Military Leader: AoA (Deputy: Fayadi)
City Planner Leader: spycatcher34 (Deputy: knowitok)
Diplomacy Leader: Hippo (Deputy: .:KNAS:.)
Science Leader: dreadhead7 (Deputy: Sixchan)
Trade Leader: Endureth (Deputy: SharThal)
Expansion Leader : goodyhut (Deputy: animepornstar)

So...post below with suggestions, sign-ups, nominations, or any other info.

Edit: Lots more info. :D
Sounds excellent! A very interesting concept :goodjob:

I nominate that cool Hippo guy for some swank, well paid position with lavish benefits and a swivel chair to work from :D

Sounds like Diplomacy to me :) Or am I deemed incompetent? (answer at your own peril :p)

AND THEN I THOUGHT: You need a deputy-leader for each department, in the event of unavailablity for a short period (Sick days, we'll call 'em :)

AND THEN I THOUGHT SOME MORE: (My bagel was burnt, toasting another :D) And decided that Hippo wants the position of Director of Propoganda @ the ____________, in light of my impressive stint as a similar official at the illustrious AZC. Wow, all this thinking makes me hungry...
Nmm ,not much reply's here since i last checked.Would it be possible to post a topic around this on the civIII forum ,to attract more players?
About the game setting's.You may vote what you prefer ,CivII or CivIII.As long as were playing deity with raging horde's. (to keep it a bit compeling:) ) i would prefer CivIII ,as for most of us (i guess) it's kinda like still hard to play on deity.

I hope we can find the required number's of players to play this game.As i see it for now ,first come's first serve.Some high positions are still available. (mine isn't ;) (whell ,for atleast 20 turn's then :crazyeyes: ))

What map do we play? I would prefer a nice giga world map ,with 16 civilizations (we don't have to care about turn time's :rolleyes: we have a day).And what civ do we play? Also ,disicion's about changing the build quie would have to happen a turn before the actual change ,since the construction screen pops up after completion in the beginning of the turn ,before you can save.New scientific goal's should be decided before completion of the previous one.

And Who decides when the country goes int revolution?

This game will produce epic story's. :)

Maybe later we can play scenario's like ZWK with 60 people,20 people for every country.(3 collective's of 20 poster's fighting eachother :crazyeyes ,could be kinda compelling)

Well i think it must be possible to attract 40 people for this game.

Oh and thank you guys for supporting my idea's.Especially Corn for constructing the system gouverment.Thank you my honorable advisor's ,and my trusted right-hand . ;)

Oh ,i deleted one of my posts in this thread just because it contained irrelevant information. (post 2 ,the classes mumbo-jumbo)
I'll play, but only as some kind of minor character as I won't be able to visit the site outside of my work hours, when I feel that most decisions will be made. I can only use the net at work, so if I change jobs and don't have net access then I'm a bit stuck. But while I can, I'll throw myself whole-heartedly into what looks to be an exciting project. :D
I'll probably be deposed by Mikoyan after about three days anyway. I also don't have Civ 3 so I won't be able to follow the game for myself, but if you post screenshots regularly then I'll be able to help make decisions with regard to build queues, etc. It won't be too difficult to decide which techs to choose next, as long as you know which ones we already have and which ones other civs have. Don't need screenshots for that.
One problem would be that it will be very difficult to ensure that only those who have registered to play will get a vote. I suppose you could effectively ban all other fanatics from posting in this particular forum so that the votes don't get spoilt, while still allowing them to follow what's going on.
I'm happy to play and will be content to play second fiddle to one of the ministers or even just to govern a single city. In which case, get expanding! :)
I'll be in, as a "peon" for starters (since I will be out of town and away from internet access over Christmas, for about a week), but would probably gravitate towards trade or expansion minister in an upcoming term....

I could only do it if we play CivII though--I don't have CivIII, and won't be getting it until they refine it with new versions (i.e. a better scenario editor, and "debugging" the ridiculous corruption problems I've heard about). Why get the game NOW, before all the preliminary kinks are worked out?

Or since this will last two years or so, would it be possible to join in the game at some point (say by vote of the game members)--after all, in the middle and latter stages as the civ gets bigger, certain positions (like city planner) would get more complex, and may require two or three people to manage all them--plus the "citizenry" would of course increase with "population" of the civ.... I hope a better version of CivIII will come out in a year or so, and our game will be transposeable onto the new version--like I said, I plan to get CivIII when they make it better than it is now.

Overall, this is a very worthy idea though! :goodjob:
I'll be glad to join in, maybe as a peon, or as a science leader or deputy science leader. Well, I don't have any rank around here, so, use my talents as you will. Being a peon doesn't bother me.
What about have a Game Parliament like say that a MP of the game has to voted for by the Civs from that country so you would have one MP from every country who votes!

Then a cabinet would be voted for by the members of the game and then the cabinet would have power over the game, but every 10 turns of the game the Mps would have to vote for a New Cabinet!

After CornMaster suggestion I think that the 21 days between changes would be good!
Not sure what you mean adam....but if I understand correctly, you want a new cabinet every 10 days? Right now we have it set up that terms on the cabinet last 21 days.

Or is that not what you meant?

Oh...well I was talking to TF last night. He said this weekend he could create an exclusive forum for this game. Under either Civ 2 Stories or Civ 3 Stories and Tales. Now, the signup sheet would be in the Stories forum, so people can post here to sign up. The the Democracy game will be in the sub forum and only members of the game will have the right to post and vote in polls etc... But everyone will be able to read the forum!!

We just need to decide what we are going to be playing? Civ 3 has more options, but not everyone know how it works quite yet. It would also be more complated to keep track of.....because of the more features.

But Civ 2 is tried and true, and most everyone here should have it, which means no one is left out. I think we should play Civ 2......but we will have a vote on this later. :) It is a democracy right??? :D
I like it alot!! I would join anytime!
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