Lately I found out that people were more eager to read a post that has been viewed a lot. It's human and normal. I mean in the street, you'd rather go near a crowd and see what's happening. This is the same thing. People would read a thread if it's famous. So actually (and especially in OT forum) if you want a thread read by lot of people, you just reply once, then go back read it, go back, read it again etc... 30 times. Then the counter would show 30+ and people would read it. That seems totally stupid and silly but it's not. And it's a clever technique. ANd of course it's also possible to use that for any of the jokes threads, if you need it to be read.
Of course you could also use another tactic, like "look at the birds on this" technic
Of course you could also use another tactic, like "look at the birds on this" technic