A pain in the ass bug

Dec 16, 2001
luckly its only happened once, but i was wondering if anybody else has encountered this. I was kicking roman butt and i eventually whiped them off of the island they were stuck on. I know thats all they had as i had their world map and it was mid-end ancient times and they had very few techs.

Well i wiped em out but they weren't killed. SO i figure out they got restarted on a different continent, as there were only 2 continents and a very small island they were on. THe continent i was on was complely filled. Well later on i see the other continent and get the map for it. Nope only the Japanese and Iroquois are on it. But i haven't seen a roman town yet. Anywhere in the known world. SO i manage to get their map from them by extorting them. But nope nothing new pops up

Interestingly enough, i still see them in my foreign advisor section, and they can have diplomacy with me. Yet, i cannot do any sort of espionage with them. I have an embassy though. Its quite confusing.

The story gets even more twisted dun dun dunnnnn

About 1000 years later on i see a red(roman) galley of some sort floating around. So im not sure if this was a bug or if they had a settler on it or something. But for over a millenia they couldn't land on any land as all of it was owned.

So has anyone ever encountered this? Is it a bug or was there a settler on that galley? And finaly this could have been bad b/c i wouldn't have been able to get a conquest, but its no prob cause i got cultural victory.

I have a saved game but im not sure if its worth posting as there isn't much to see. I didn't go and hunt these guys in the water so they are probly still floating around.
this is a pretty well known bug (hmmm "feature"?) that i have encountered. A lot of others have complained about it as well. Seems as if there is a settler on that galley and, when you sink the galley, the game will crash, very frustrating. Most of the time when i kill, or think i have killed a civ, it respawns in an unoccupied space of territory. Sometimes though, it seems the AI civ in question may have had a settler on a galley/galleon/transport. This will continue to float around for centuries....
lol well i guess its good i ignored it then :)
ANOTHER bug???

I'd better bring a fly swatter and a can of Raid every time I play Civ III there are so many bugs. :mad:

Sometimes though, it seems the AI civ in question may have had a settler on a galley/galleon/transport. This will continue to float around for centuries....

Sid Meier's version of the Flying Dutchman, no doubt. :crazyeyes
i can't believe you guys haven't noticed this feature yet it happens relatively often, just not as often as the settler transport...
I just wanted to say that the comp can only respawn on the same Continent/Island.

And the settler ina transport problem, id you can't find the transport or the game crashes, give him some space to build his city on, move your troops away from the shore and let him build a city or at least unload his units...
Originally posted by Grey Fox
And the settler ina transport problem, id you can't find the transport or the game crashes, give him some space to build his city on, move your troops away from the shore and let him build a city or at least unload his units...

so, we are supposed to destroy one of our own cities so the other civ can found a new one, only to destroy/ capture it? that will only further hurt my reputation with other civs. I would rather Firaxis patch the bug. Better, they should prevent the mysterious settler transporting as well. I don't get to found a new city if the AI destroys me at the beginning of the game...
hmmm, maybe we could just give the civ a city, but surround it with units. Wait untill we see the settler land somewhere and then

... BAAAM!!! ...

waste those (insert Profanity) little (insert civ name)
That's one way to finish those ****** ******** **** ***** ***** ******** **** !!!
I got this same problem. I emailed Infogames and here's the BS answer they gave me:

Actually, that saved game you have was corrupted from a third party
application. The saved game will forever be ruined now. After
everything you can and rebooting the machine this shouldn't happen to
another saved game.

Keep in mind the applications that we have found to be problematic to
game include Real Player, OCR Scanner Software, Virus Scanners, etc.

Start a new game, and I am sure you won't have a corrupt saved game
time! :)

Scott Wilcox
Infogrames Interactive
Technical Support

I wish they would have at least admited that it was their fault.
Ignoring the issue about crashing (which needs fixing obviously) I don't see there being an issue about the floating settler.

Assuming that the settler really did exist prior to the last city being destroyed, its reasonable for it to survive isn't it? It's like saying that the Pilgrim fathers would have died if something cataclysmic had happened back in England - I don't think so.
I think the Pilgrim fathers would have died if they floated around the Atlantic for a few centuries.
Ignoring the issue about crashing (which needs fixing obviously) I don't see there being an issue about the floating settler.

What happens if the only win option you turned on was world conquest, and you can't conquer that last one?
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to be fixed in the v1.16f patch? I seem to remember this being associated with a "save game" bug. I'm searching for the reference (but I'm at work and supposed to be working);)
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