A poll on the aerial view

Your opinion of aerial and palace views

  • I like the aerial view

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • I liked the palace view

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • I liked both!

    Votes: 28 43.1%
  • I hated the aerial but liked the palace

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • I hated the palace but liked the aerial

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I hated them!

    Votes: 18 27.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Black Waltz
Design National Flag. That would be fun. :-D

And as the majority now shows they 'hated' it. I can flame it all I want? :-p

Basically I was stating my opinion about the people whinging about how they were removed from the mods. These are people who will whine about anything and I am basically fed up with it. So what if they haven't put in graphics for the new mods? Maybe it would have taken too long? Maybe it would then have had the release pushed back to Febuary? The city view is useless. It does not show any useful information. They got rid of that, however, and now we have the Victory Information screen... Now THAT is useful.

I see that you are realy pissed off with all of us who like the Aerial View,well as you can see every one can have a different opinion and maybe there is a great number of us who estimate this kind of art work,just don't believe that because you speak in that way you are also right.Whining?....about everything?...but of course half of these threads are full of posts in which we whine practicaly about everything...this unit isn't good...that trait could be diferent...they didn't add the X civ...so what is your point,just trying to seem superior only because you don't share the same point of view?I don't understand.
I said it more than once,personaly i like these ''extra''things like aerial view,and i don't think that i have forced them to create art from the begining,they probably thought that it would be nice,after all no one is forced to ''waste'' it's time on these options.
I agree that they aren't important for the game and certainly an A.I of a higher level would be prefered,but this is something that we might see in CIV4 not in an expansion.In the expansions we find other things,at least i think so.
Kokoras, I agree with your post 100%, was going to post the same thing in responce.

As for everyone saying things like you would rather they work on mechanics and such instead of eye candy I wanted to point something out. The palace and aerial views were already in the game, so your point makes little sense. They already had the 'eye candy' in they game and they removed it. I haven't said nor read anywhere were people are complaing because they didn't add the graphics for the conquests or for the new wonders. Nobody is saying they need to, all me and others are saying is they shouldn't have taken it away.


And the poll still shows that the majority of people liked atleast one of the views. To beable to say the majority didn't use it the hate it option must excede the combined totals of the other options, sorry.
You should have made one of the choices, " I never really cared about them but now that so many people are complaining about the most insignificant part of the game I'm starting to hate them."
I'd be interested to know just HOW much work would be required to put this final polish on the C3C epic game. I really can't imagine it would take months of programmer labour.

BTW theres another poll like this linked to my sig., residing in a now dusty forum.
For all of these people saying they 'removed it'.


They have simply not created a NEW Aerial view for the scenario's and they decided it would be rather silly building your own Palace when you're in the middle of WWII.

Let me reitterate for those who seem to not have grasped this.

They are still in the epic game! So stop whining and just accept you cannot have everything.
I like both!

I also like Sn00pys terrain. Sn00pys terrain is a scenario, in order to play on it; I have to give up aerial and palace view. Any tiny little modification you make. Even changing the stats on a spearman disables these views in the scenario.

It is true the aerial and palace view are in the unmodded epic game; but who wants to play only the epic game all the time.

Black Waltz: Why don't you stop whinning and accept the fact that there are people who disagree with you.
Black Waltz... I know it was not removed in epic game. If you bothered to read my last post I stated that not everyone likes to play the epic game for various reasons.

In the mod I play I added made it so privateers can carry 3 foot units and in turn with that I made a pirate unit to go with it. I added machine gunners and gave leaders a 2 defense (he's a great military leader, he should beable to defende himself). On top of that I greatly increased my map size and in turn the amount of civs that can be in the game.

Other then those changes it is still the same as the epic game. It starts in 5000 BC and runs 1000 turns just like if I was playing an epic game. It isn't set in WWII or during the Nepoleonic Wars. It's a regular game with afew changes, now tell me why I shouldn't have the option of building my palace or looking at the aerial view of my cities?

GIve me a good, logical, well thought out post this time and not some sort of complaint or namecalling session or something of that nature, ok?

By the way i am just curious,how difficult(the question isn't ironic)it would be to add in the patch the new G.W in the aerial view of the epic game?I mean if it is something possible and doesn't need a month of programing or so i sure would like to se it.
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