------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by Black Waltz
Design National Flag. That would be fun. :-D
And as the majority now shows they 'hated' it. I can flame it all I want?
Basically I was stating my opinion about the people whinging about how they were removed from the mods. These are people who will whine about anything and I am basically fed up with it. So what if they haven't put in graphics for the new mods? Maybe it would have taken too long? Maybe it would then have had the release pushed back to Febuary? The city view is useless. It does not show any useful information. They got rid of that, however, and now we have the Victory Information screen... Now THAT is useful.
I see that you are realy pissed off with all of us who like the Aerial View,well as you can see every one can have a different opinion and maybe there is a great number of us who estimate this kind of art work,just don't believe that because you speak in that way you are also right.Whining?....about everything?...but of course half of these threads are full of posts in which we whine practicaly about everything...this unit isn't good...that trait could be diferent...they didn't add the X civ...so what is your point,just trying to seem superior only because you don't share the same point of view?I don't understand.
I said it more than once,personaly i like these ''extra''things like aerial view,and i don't think that i have forced them to create art from the begining,they probably thought that it would be nice,after all no one is forced to ''waste'' it's time on these options.
I agree that they aren't important for the game and certainly an A.I of a higher level would be prefered,but this is something that we might see in CIV4 not in an expansion.In the expansions we find other things,at least i think so.