a question about foreign relations in large games


Apr 8, 2002
hey everyone. this is the first time ive posted here. its about a problem thats irritated me ever since i bought the game. you can only see 8 civs i think in the foreign relations window. in 16 civ games i can never keep track of who is at war and allied with who and so on. is there anyway to change it to display more then 8? or to change the 8 civs being shown in the display?
Hold shift and right click on the portrait you wish to change, a drop down list of all the civs you have contact with will appear. Select the one you want to view, and voila. :)
In order to change the other civs in the diplomatic advisors screen, just shift and right-click on one of the civs. There should be a dropdown list of the civs. I never found this out until a couple of days ag despite having the game since January. [dance]

EDIT: Too late, I always do that, double post like that, Sorry! :crazyeye:
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