A Simple Question


Nov 25, 2009
Some shack on an asteroid
I'm wondering if it's possible to create unique graphics for LM Grasslands.

Basically I'm trying to put together a multi-tile landmark consisting of one LM grassland tile and six LM hill tiles. If it's not possible, I'd appreciate any alternative method of accomplishing this.

Here's a picture of the plot in question.

Sure, it's possible... the terrain art files are in the Conquests/Art/Terrain directory. There you will find the LMHills.pcx (LM Hills terrain) and from the looks of the above pic the grass terrain should be the lxggc.pcx file.

Just as a note: in these files, the 3 last letters are what the terain is, in this case, grass grass and coast. Others are p = plains, d = desert, t = tundra, s = sea, o = ocean, etc.

You can change it to whatever, but each file is setup with it's tiles made to fit together in a specific way, so to find which tile is the tile for those specific spots in the pic above will require alot of testing. Best bet may be to determine which they are by making a copy of the file by placing graphical numbers on them, then view it in the editor so you know which tiles to use in the pcx file.

Terrain tiles can be confusing to make complex changes unless you are willing to spend a fair amount of time to understand them, and more time making and testing the graphical changes to get them showing up properly.

I believe there was a tuturial on terrain files somewhere that may be very helpful to read first, but I can never find anything when I try to!
I had figured that much out already, but I don't know how to add LM grassland tiles, seeing as there aren't any unique images for LM grassland. And I don't want to replace the normal grassland tile. I've found the grassland pcx file and LM hills, but I don't know how to create a LM grassland file.

So if I change the grassland image to what I want, where do I put it to make it appear only for LM grassland. I couldn't find any file dedicated to LM grassland, so I assumed I'd have to create one, or add it to an existing LM image file. Both of which are a little beyond my know-how at the moment. I mean, I could create a LM grassland terrain tile, but I don't know what to call it in order to get the game to recognize it.
Akkilas... There is no Single Landmark Grassland file (Same for the other Basic Terrain files) because Grassland and the base terrain tiles are in with the other Terrain Files so they Blend together.
You could make a New Terrain File for Landmark Hills and place a Grassland Tile in with it for use.

Save a Backup Copy of the Original LMHills.pcx then Number each Tile on the LMHills.pcx file so you can see where each Tile appears in your Game.
You can then copy and paste what you want on the Tiles to get what you want.

You will probably need to make a New Palette to have both the Grassland and the Hills keep their basic same colors. So when you are ready to past images onto the File, Change the Colors to 16 Million Colors then after you have the images on the File as you want, make a New Palette.
I had figured that much out already, but I don't know how to add LM grassland tiles, seeing as there aren't any unique images for LM grassland. And I don't want to replace the normal grassland tile. I've found the grassland pcx file and LM hills, but I don't know how to create a LM grassland file.

So if I change the grassland image to what I want, where do I put it to make it appear only for LM grassland. I couldn't find any file dedicated to LM grassland, so I assumed I'd have to create one, or add it to an existing LM image file. Both of which are a little beyond my know-how at the moment. I mean, I could create a LM grassland terrain tile, but I don't know what to call it in order to get the game to recognize it.

I assume you have a seperate modding folder setup for your changes? Or are you directly changing the original files?

Same as Vuldacon mentioned for the LMHills.pcx, you would have to do for the xlggc.pcx. I believe this is the correct grassland landmark file to alter, since all surrounding base terrain tiles are grassland.

In your Conquests/Art/Terrain folder, all landmark grass files are there:
lxdgc.pcx (file for desert grassland and coast)
lxdgp.pcx (file for desert grassland and plains)
lxggc.pcx (file for all grassland and coast)
lxpgc.pcx (file for plains grassland and coast)
lxtgc.pcx (file for tundra grassland and coast)
Yes, this is going into a scenario folder.

Figuring out which tile to edit isn't so hard, but where do I put it after I've edited it? I don't want to replace all grassland tiles, just LM grassland, and I can't use LM hills exclusively like I was going to do at first; the 4-way graphic tile will have a duplicate in the center and the one just behind it.

I'm guessing it can't be done either way and I'll have to find another way to do this.
Okay, so in your scenario folder (e.g. your scenario folder is called MyMod).. then you would need to place the LMHills.pcx and lxggc.pcx file in the Conquests\Scenarios\MyMod\Art\Terrain folder. Basically, for any files specific for your mod, you just reproduce the folder structure into your MyMod folder. Hope that makes sense.

Then when you play MyMod, the game first looks for the files in MyMod before anywhere else. And in the Editor, under Scenario -> Scenario Properties and under Scenario Search Folders, type the folder name of your mod here (MyMod). [If you haven't done so already :)]
Alright, now I have another problem. I've noticed that the LM grassland tiles are comprised of the corners of the actual images, and are of a slightly deeper color than the normal tiles. The tile in question seems to be using the corners of three images from lxggc and one from (I'm going to assume) xggc. So this is now impossible, unless someone has a solution.

The pictures for reference, if it helps.
LM plot
Are you trying to make a different Single image that will cover all of those Tiles?
I do not understand exactly what you are wanting to accomplish.
What is the point of placing the center Landmark Grassland?
Why not use all LMHills if you only want a Terrain file you can change to have your large image on?
I'm going to have to anyway.

But if I place a hill in the center tile it causes three others around it to convert to the same graphic. I was thinking about using a LM forest plot, but then realized I was already using LM forest elsewhere on the map.

I've decided to completely reconfigure the terrain around the zone to try and rig each plot to use a different tile graphic.
For all base terrain graphics (grassland, plains, tundra, desert, sea, ocean and coast), the graphics is done by associating the corners.
Ie the graphics have offset by half a tile compared to the grid.

You cannot just replace the inside of a square.
Akkilas... I am curious to see the images you want to place that will cover those tiles.
It can possible be done using the LM Hills file but you will have to first know all areas used then place your images over them in sections so when the game places the tiles together, the image will be seen complete.

Here is a Template I made for the LMHills.pcx file.
Backup (Save) your original LMHills.pcx file before using this file.
It can help you see what you can do.
You can place Your images over the Frame Lines. They are only there as guides.
The biggest problem will be having duplicate LMHills Tiles because there are only 16 tiles.
Read Me file included.
..anyway, hope it helps.


  • LMHills Template.zip
    3.3 KB · Views: 65
There is another way to do this:

A few months ago when I was doing City Terrains (see my sig for Manhattan Terrain), there were some circumstances when I wanted to put specific buildings in specific spots, for instance, on the Gotham City map for King Arthur's Super Scenario, I needed to place an amusement park, the prison and power plant, and a scientific research park:

My method for doing this is painstaking, but rewarding. First, I pick a terrain type that I won't need elsewhere, like Marshes. In the above example, the prison and power plant are Tundra Trees (Tundra files were modified to look like grassland), the Research Park is Jungle Hills (the jungle is the tall trees surrounding it), and the Amusement Park is made mostly of resource icons.

So having chosen a terrain type to modify, I take a generic version of that terrain and make a "blank" template, then number each diamond on it.

Then, in the editor, I put that terrain onto the spot where I want my new building, and note which numbered tiles make up the four squares (for instance) of my building.

Then I go back to my graphics program (GIMP) and remake the terrain file so that the four pieces of the building occupy those squares. When I reload the biq, Voilà! a prison, stadium or castle has appeared in that spot. Now, because the terrain files often have many more than four tiles to work with, I'll usually try to use all of them somewhere in a city terrain, so that the Marsh file, for instance, will have the various pieces of many buildings on it. One caveat: these tiles often repeat in various configurations, and the only variables seem to be the surrounding terrain, so in order to make some buildings I'd sometimes have to place, say, an open grassy spot next to it.
@ Vuldacon: I've already got that covered, seeing as I was going to use mainly LM hills in that specific area. I did manage to get the entire plot to use different hill graphics, so no worries there. Thanks for the template though, it makes this a lot easier.

The images I was planning to replace the tiles with unfortunately haven't been created yet; still working on that. Rather, I wanted to see if what I wanted to do was possible before I went and did anything, but this will tie into the mod I have planned.

@ Balthasar: I was thinking about whether this was possible or not, but not for the mod I'm currently working on. Right now it's a pretty standard map, multi-tile landmark aside.
Akkilas... Good and I hope it works out for you.
Note that You can use individual images for each of the LMHills tiles that go with each other if you are not able to make one large image by using segments of it on each tile.
Probably the easiest way is to do a little of both if some of the tiles are repeated :)

Be sure to post a ScreenShot of your finished image... looking forward to seeing it.
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