A small game to help us waiting : guess the next Sandris pack.


Multi Many Tasks man
Retired Moderator
Sep 1, 2002
Pont de l'Arn, FRANCE
I've created this thread to stop OT in Sandris's Britain and France thread.

To help us waiting, we could have a mini game: guess the next Sandris packs and in what order they are!

We list 6 packs. Then, we watch the next 6 packs actually made. For each pack that is in the list, we get 1 point, and 3 points if it is at the correct place.

[Scores after release of the first Pack, Greek/Byzantine, second pack : expanded Russians]

Steph : 4
Iron0037 : 4
Ares : 4
Keroro : 4

Kairob : 3
Stormrage : 3
Ozymandias : 3
Nekro : 3
Cimbri : 3
Delta Strife : 3
Bigdog5994 : 3
Wolfhart : 3

Ancient one : 2

Embryodead : 1

Virote : 0
Plotinus : 0
Blue Monkey : 0
Deth McBones : 0
Badkharma : 0
Madeira : 0

1- Greek pack
2- Bonus archer pack
3- Expanded Russian pack
4- Bonus knightly order pack
5- Expanded Chinese pack
6- Expanded mongolian pack

1- Greek pack
2- Persian pack
3- Eastern Europe pack
4- Japanese pack
5- Knightly order pack
6- Carthage Pack
I like this game :).

1. Greek/Byzantine pack
2. Persian pack
3. Expanded Russia pack
4. Bonus Archer/Axethrower pack
5. Expanded Chinese pack
6. Expanded Knightly Order pack
You guys have too much time on your hands! ;)

Ok, I'm in:

1- Greek / Byzantine pack
2- Persian pack
3- Expanded Russian pack
4- Flemish / Dutch pack (maybe wishful thinking)
5- Korean pack
6- Assyrian pack
The first three are "guesses" and the rest is, well, wishful thinking :p

1. Persian pack
2. Greek/Byzantine pack
3. Seljuk/Ottoman pack
4. Eastern Europe pack
5. Caucasian pack
6. Irish/Scottish pack
Agree with Stormrage, let Sandris play. He can try to confuse all of you! :mwaha:
1. Greek/Byzantine Pack
2. Balkan Pack (Serbia, Bulgaria, etc.)
3. Persia Pack
4. Turk/Seljuk/Ottoman Pack (Maybe sneak in some Tatar units as an addition to the Mongols)
5. Celt/Medieval Irish/Scottish Pack
6. East Europe Pack (Poland, Lithuania, etc.)

  1. Steampunk Pack
  2. Barsoomian Pack
  3. Mauryan Indian Pack
  4. Mahabharata/Ramayana Pack
  5. Flying Monkeys Pack
  6. Extra-Large Family Size Pack
I have a feeling that the wish is father of the thought there. ;)


1 - Greek
2 - Knightly Orders
3 - Persian
4 - Expanded Russian
5 - Turk
6 - Indian

Fingers crossed.
Okay, I've done some soul searching, and I've come up with this:
1- War on Terror pack
2- Steampunk pack
3- Polynesian pack
4- Borg pack
5- Zerg/Tyranid pack
6- WWI pack

And no, I'm not having delusions...not at all...:crazyeye:
I am having fantasies about this:

1- Greek/Hellenistic pack
2- Persian pack
3- Steppe pack
4- Indian (Vedic, Mauryan, mughal, etc.) pack
5- Carthage Pack
6- American Civil War pack

But I'll drool over anything Sandris decides to create. :drool:
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