Re : OP
My daughter is the same age as you. She's a super nerd, very obsessive, goes on & on about the lore of various games/shows/etc, she wants to be able to be a creator of stories not just a consumer but feels insecure about her abilities. I told her to take creative writing when she goes to high school in fall (she elected to goto virtual school for HS which I have mixed feelings about) but she's afraid she'll 'do badly' and 'get bad grades'. This is what I hate about school, it seems to reward people for right answers & discourage risk taking. But ideally creative writing is about effort & improvement, it's not like math where you need the right answers.
High school is weird, one of her best friends abandoned her & she doesn't know why (or maybe she does & doesn't want to share) so now it's just her & this one other girl. I'd like her to make more friends but she doesn't seem all hung up on it like I was when I felt socially isolated as a kid. Probably because she isn't bullied (afaik) & doesn't mind being 'weird'. Still, I think only having one close friend is too risky & limiting to one's personality & empathy development (the more people of various types you can be friends with the more different perspectives you can take on).
Anyway, don't mean to hijack your thread about teens entering HS in general but there's a lot of parallels w you guys (nerdy, not many friends, starting HS, also religious school altho she's leaving her Catholic middle school & going to secular HS). Re : her romantic inclinations, I have no idea, she kinda seems asexual to me, like she's still 10 or 11, which I suppose is easier to deal w as a father than if she was wearing makeup & talking about boys (or girls). It's hard to relate as she's so different than me because A : now is such a different time than 1993 when I was her age, B : she's a girl, C : her mom gives me 0 information about her life whatsoever & she's rarely goes deep about anything personal preferring to talk about her various obsessions (most recently this youtube series called the Magnus Archives & for over a year Five Nights @ Freddy's which I hope goes away soon
