A word about civilizations and traits

Swein Forkbeard

Nintendo Fan
Jan 13, 2007
Hello, Sir!
It really irks me that the best trait combos belong to the game civs that have historically been more minor (Incas, Carthaginians, Koreans, Khmer, Vikings, Ethiopians, Celts, Zulu, Malinese, Dutch, Portuguese). This doesn't really make too much sense to me.:(
well, "the best trait combo" is quite subjectiv so is the hictorical importance. And I also don't see why the civilizations with 3 leaders should also get the "best" trait combos

I guess this is the question. Which would you rather have for the 'important' civs. Strong UU/UB with non-optimal traits or Strong traits with medicore UU's.

Currently the 'important' civilizations have strong UU's usually[Roman Praetorian, Byzantine Cataphract, England's Redcoat, and Eqypts War Chariots are a good example]. In addition few have poor traits. True Rome has the Imperialistic[for those of you that really dislike it] but they have industrious and organized as secondaries, both of which are very useful. Actually Imperialistic + Organized + Mining as a starting tech is good for Rexing.

And actually Persia[which ranks as an important civ in my book] has both a strong UU and strong trait combos. Just about the only thing 'weak' about them is the UB... and I even like that quite a bit.

So again I ask... would you rather have strong UU's/UB's or a good trait combo. As Rome shows a strong UU can make your traits fairly redundant. After all, they certainly don't need aggressive or charismatic.
I find it amusing that the Ghandi AI can rock you in a cultural victory. For one, he never led that country he just sewed some clothes and showed people where they could find salt. Two, he didnt' have anything at all so maybe you should just take everything away from them, put England in charge, give them zero food, and then you can spend 2 nights trying to get people to walk towards the sea. :lol:

Don't even get me started on how Ethiopia is a true powerhouse on this game. :crazyeye:
Egypt has Spi/Cre; India has Spi/Org AND Spi/Phi; Persia has fin/org; England has fin/phi (not a favourite of mine, but a lot of people like it); Greece has Cre/Phi; France has Cha/Org, etc

I'd call all of them "important civs" (though that's a loaded phrase if ever there was one), and they're all absolute top-tier trait combos.
Even the best trait combo can get crushed by some other civ if poorly played
the trait combo's reflect the civs in their prime time so the dutch where in the their golden century the no1 or very big civ in the world as where the Malinese etc. etc. So the financial and organized trait for the dutch make very much sense. You should read about these civs and you will understand most of their traits.

The leaders are not chosen becuase they where the leader of an country but they made an huge impact. Hannibal for example was an General but was problay more important then the leader at that time.
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