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AA02: Catherine's Aggressive Adventures


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
Okay, so after our resounding victory, here’s volume 2. I kept it at monarch to ensure our first victory wasn't a fluke :D


Rivals: 8
Difficulty: Monarch
Map: Inland Sea!
Size: Standard
Speed: Epic
Victory Conditions: All Enabled
Variant Rules: Aggressive AI; Raging Barbs

Here’s the start:

Right now, the roster is closed for the participants of the first game, but if they all don’t wish to play this incarnation or don’t sign in within a couple days, I’ll open it up to others ~ post if you’d like to be an alternate ~

pigswill >> UP NOW
robo_kai >> on deck

And remember, we don’t need to win militarily ~ it’s, essentially, an open game ~

edit: And i forgot the ever-so-important:
Spoiler DM SG EG :

Alpha: The quality of your report outweighs the quality of your play. We’re here to have fun, and, of course, winning is fun, but losing in style is preferable to a boring win.

Bravo: Reports should be detailed, with plenty of screen shots and player commentary, explanations, musings, etc; an auto-log dump will not suffice. Shots of the F9 screens and overview shots of the empire are nice too, once in a while.

Charlie: Punctuality rocks! “24/48” means post a "got it" within 24 hours of when the last save was posted, and play within 48 hours of that ‘got it.’ Waiting 47 hours to ask for a skip is lame. Punk out two times in a row, and you’ll be dropped from the roster. Skips and swaps are fine, but try to let us know sooner, rather than later.

Delta: Major game decisions (war/peace declarations, religion swaps, city placement, etc) should be arrived at via group consensus.
1. If the team disagrees with you, either argue your case better, or do it their way. Do NOT just blow them off and do it your way because it's your turn.
2. However, if there’s no consensus and you’re up, do it your way and explain why. Conversely, if someone else is up, don't whine when they do it their way.
3. Similarly, overruling techs or city builds is rude and should be done via consensus, barring an emergency.
4. In extraordinary situations, sometimes an opportunity presents itself that the group didn't foresee. If the consequences of it are great, players should stop, and refer the question to the group.

Echo: Being a better player does not give you the right to belittle anyone else or their play. Other people are going to disagree with you on major decisions; get used to the idea, and play nice. If not, take your ball and go home.

Foxtrot: Thread spam is good. Trash talking, poking fun, gentle ribbing, virtual noogies, and generally horsing around are all encouraged, but don’t be rude.

Golf: Automate sparingly.
1. Workers should almost never be automated, except perhaps late-game or building a trade network. However, if you have to, set your game options to “disallow automated worker forest chopping” and “keep previous improvements.”
2. Use of the “Emphasis” buttons is fine, but let the group know and explain your reasoning (specialization is a major game decision). If you prevent growth in a city, let the group know and remind them to take it off. Do NOT let the governor select build orders.
3. Sending units on go-to routes that last beyond your set is acceptable only if they’re heading for a rally point or if you otherwise inform your teammates. NEVER fortify Great People.

Hotel: Sign spamming is rude. Signs can be helpful reminders, but too many signs makes them easily ignored. Once a sign is no longer valid, delete it.

also remember, there is no required turn limit for your set. Play at some natural stopping point, somewhere around 20 turns, give or take a bit ~

Now, as to the game, i've already moved the scout to where it's at now, hoping to find some food, but no dice! I'm still inclined to settle in place as we're surrounded by forest and any move will lose us at least a turn, maybe more if there's no food.
·Imhotep·;6488558 said:
If there is a drop out I'd join... :)
sweet ~ i was just thinking we haven't SGed together for a while ~

Checking in. I also vote for settle in place. Probably there will be a food resource in the 2nd ring.
the only thing might be to move to the grass hill to our east ~

Well, DMI VII is finished, same holds for MLG 6. I'm down to one SG and therefore have some space freed up...
Checking in. Scout is moved, so settle in place I say.

I think Immy should only be allowed to play after he has tallied the score to the match game we played and come out that Team Warlords won ;) :lol: j/k
I think I'll give this one a miss. Pretty much over-subscribed and I'm still working on winning solo emperor. I wonder if there's anyone available to take my place... Hmm, maybe Imhotep....
that's too bad, but i can certainly understand that ~

imhotep, looks like you're in, but you don't need to be UP NOW ~


we're still waiting on robo kai & kikinit
Ready, willing and able to play this one.

I'd like to move the settler onto the hill for the extra hammers.
Ready, willing and able to play this one. :rockon:

I'd like to move the settler onto the hill for the extra hammers.
Hmmm ... do you get extra hammers on a grass hill? I thought you only get extra hammers on plains hills.
yea, that's only for a plains hill ~ i like moving just to see if there's something interesting that we can see from the move. Either we see something and settle there, or we can still move back and settle on the plains, which, imo, is a good tile. either way, we'll have to farm everything, but will have a real productive capital.

i'm thinking worker > warrior and BW > maybe Agr or AH for a food resource

so, picking up where we left off, i'm going to make this the roster ~

beserks01 >> UP NOW for a bunch of turns
robo kai >> on deck


So, I'm up huh. Alright, I'll play tomorrow. And I agree with the build order. Tech-wise, I'll have to see what the tile offer before deciding.
I'd settle in place immediately. The map generator normally places at least one food bonus in the capital's BFC (and I bet there are either Cows, Sheep or Pigs hidden in the East) so that we'll have a very productive Capital - which I like very much. Too bad the land West ist desert, some FPs would have made good ground for the 2nd city...

Decided to settle in place with fingers crossed after much self debate. Well, we do have cows in BFC ...


Hut gave 54g

Well, it looks like settling in place was the right thing to do after all ...


Met this guy again. He's north of us. Pretty close too.


Hut gave 53g

Hut gave us another scout, sweet.

Met Joao to our east


BW came in and I revolt to slavery. Noticed we have copper in our BFC, so set research to Wheel.


Got a good event


Moscow: worker -> warrior

Our scout dies to 2 lions.

I played 30 turns. There isn't much to work with with the land around us. Here's a shot of our surrounding land and an attempt at a dot map, but really it's the best I can do with that land.


Louis to the blue to our north and Joao is the blue to our east.


Cows & copper in the capital isn't bad after all. Unfortunately green doesn't have food resource, will grow slowly. I'm leaning towards the fishing city as the next one. Pigs, marble after it or maybe the yellow to get some cottages working.
Axe rush again? :devil:
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