About the leaders...


Apr 10, 2010
...will their appearance be age-specific like in Civilization 3? (I loved that feature!) - or we'll see Washington in his colonial outfit at the beginning of the game too, like in 4000 BC? I don't think they wore ties at that age. It would surely give more immersion to the game... feel more like a simulation! What do you think?
I've always liked the 'evolving' appearance of the leaders over the ages.
I've heard it claimed, but I haven't seen anything official. It definitely would be a nice feature, especially if we only get one leader per Civ, but I could live without it. Hopefully we'll get better confirmation as more screenshots are released.
And, would the same go for their rooms or wherever you see them?
That would be neat, I think. I like the idea of leaders changing their appearances over the ages. And it would just be downright amusing to have a chat with a George Washington wearing animal skins or flowing robes.

It would also tell you at a glance how far along a given civilization is in terms of the tech tree.
I love the idea too, but I doubt they'll implement it. All of the previews mention how you'll "meet George Washington in his office" or "Napoleon is surveying a smoking battlefield", not "when we first met Washington, he was wearing a toga and a laurel wreath!"
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