Accidental LB rush; exploiting a situation (Saladin)


Aug 6, 2022
So even though I have played casually for years (I’ve been playing more seriously now 12 yrs later), I never had an opportunity to exploit a Longbow rush. There’s almost never an opportunity for it to work. I searched the forums and found really only one scenario that was similar, but I didn’t want to resurrect a 16 yr old thread ( NA LB Rush ).

I had a situation where I exploited a neighbor ( HRE) with no access to copper( neither did I). I also had a crazy start where my cap had a ton of food [3 corn/ 3 clam), and two early FP cities next to it. The AI was slow to build Oracle and I was able to build it while exploiting Arabian UB to bulb monarchy. I selected Feudalism, and built a ton of LBs with cover. I rushed HRE and even on hilled cities he didn't have a chance. I then hit Toku who also by this point was now facing experienced LBs with spear and pult cover. Only issue was like in the old thread I found. At that point my econ was stifled, even with the flood plain cities cottages helping a bit.

I’m sure this has been done many times, but the first time I exploited an opportunity like this. Normally LBs are very expensive and come at a time when the AI has lots of counters like swords, HA, phants, etc.

I ended up winning the game but late, but the late game was a slog as I played hemispheres and it the other AIs where all tech trading with each other by the time my econ recovered and I got astro. Also charlemagne and toku are terrible vassals, LOL.
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