Achievement save files for Civ VI

Scythia Trio:
  • Scythian Horse Rush -- should pop on its own. you may need to take one turn
  • Win as tomyris-- conquer gitarja's capital
  • Quenched your Thirst for Blood -- declare war on cyrus and conquer kostromskaya


Long time follower, here is my first contribution. King Ludwig Victory. Note: I am going through these quickly, so I do have 2 mods on to help get a head start - settler and worker.

Edit: And here is Tokugawa

Edit 2: Here is Pachacuti

Edit 3: Here is Ramesses II

Edit 4: Yongle and Nader Shah

Edit 5: Julius Caesar


Last edited:
Hey everybody!
Just registered here to say many thanks to all of you who contributed to this thread!

Eventually I was left with two achievements:
Even Our Castles Have Castles - Build an Alcazar within 2 tiles of the Alhambra.
Finn MacCool's Pipe Organ - Build a Monastery within 2 tiles of the Giant's Causeway.

I haven't found saves for them within the current thread (without mods) so attaching both to this msg.
For the first one just build an Alcanzar by the worker south to Saint-Petersburg.
For the second one build the Monastery by the worker north to Moscow (!NB by default it suggests building another Alcanzar so be careful :D)


I have a few to contribute (I forgot to deactivate some mods in each save though).

From the Outer Darkness - Mutants - Attack a unit outside the Red Death while inside the Red Death 20 times.
Mods: TCS Free walls for city states
Select the machine gun and fire on the low health unit in the safety zone.

Rock God - Have no cities following your religion then convert a city to your religion using a Rock Band unit.
Mods: Leugi's Victory Projects, Tomatekh's Historical Religions
Select the promoted unit next to Riohacha (1 pop) in the north east.

The accursed share - Use a max-promotions Soothsayer to sacrifice a max-promotions GDR.
Mods: Leugi's Victory Projects, Tomatekh's Historical Religions
Select the one soothsayer and sacrifice the one GDR.


Literally Playable - Win a game as Kristina
Captain of Industry - Win a regular game with an Industrial Era start
The Art of Telling Plain Truths - Win a Diplomatic Victory
Three achievements in the save file attached. Wait one turn for Statue of Liberty to be built. Wait one more turn for the diplomatic victory screen to pop up.


Midnight Oil Achievement - Build an oil well in the final turn of the Outback Tycoon Scenario
Hitting 900 gold per turn on Deity on turn 60 is a loss. But building the oil well on turn 60 gets you the achievement, simply use the prospector to build an oil well In case the achievement bugs out. I have attached the save files of the previous two turns, turn 58 and turn 59.


Meanwhile, in Australia - Win Outback Tycoon on Deity
You can do a bit of chopping or building nature parks to get a higher score. Make sure the gold per turn is more than 900 on the second last turn. If gold per turn hits 900 on the last turn, the game still counts it as a loss. Both save files should work, just press next turn once or twice to end the scenario. Both save files are of the same game. The first save file is on the last turn while the second save file is on the second last turn.
At the same time, you can also get the Crow-easter Conquest achievement: Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia.


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