The Last Thing You See
Shamelessly taken from this site.
Spoiler :
Submitted By: hughnettelbeck
Cheat Title: The completely true cheat that only real
Entry Location: in a battle or sumtin
Cheat: This cheat can only be done by sexy atractive peops like me, so if ur not atractive dnt try it, and then if u do try and it dosent work, ur obviously not as atractive as me.Start playin pkmon on ur wii and then when ur in a battle pull the red white and yellow cord out of ur tv. This will release the pokemon into the air, but u wnt beable 2 see them cuz their bodies are still trapped in your wii. 2 get them out u hav 2 put ur wii in ur toilet and flush the toilet several times, and then take ur wii out and set it on fire. after you dou this you need to cut ur wii in half and then the pokemon can have their bodies. They will say "Sup my atractive frend?!" and then they will live with u and u will score with every girl in the world, cuz everyone will think ur so kool. Then, a week after u do this cheat the pokemon will giv u a free magic wii which you can go into if u want. When u go in mario will be in there and he'll ask u if u want 2 help him kill some goombas, and ul get 2 rip off samus's arm and use her gun 2 blow their brains out. Then mario will be all like: "lets go and kill fox cuz he sux!!!!!" and ul be like: "damn right he sux!!!!!" and then sum stuff will happen, and then ul get 2 ride a dinosaur and shoot lazers out of ur eyes, but bruce willus dressed as spiderman will try 2 stop u, but ul kim him so that he dies and hes dead so that he cant come back 2 life cuz hes dead. Then ul drill a hole in foxs head, and u gotta get the timing right or the world will blow up, but itl be ok becuz i sed so and u wnt die. Then u get this treasure chest out of fox's head and it turns u into jesus on wheels which is totaly awesome, and u go back 2 the real world and they make u the king of earth but aliens come but you kill them with ur bazooka ears and then u rule the world. I have done this cheat before and it is completely true and if sombody tell u it isnt then theyre obviosly intelectually disabled cuz this cheat is actually true! Try it out 4 urself!