Adaptive Trait Question/Suggestion


Mar 7, 2006
Doylestown, PA
I played the adaptive trait the other day in my game and found a couple of things that may be improved. Some may call them bugs, some just poor user memory.

When the screen comes up to choose new traits, it tells you which two you currently have. One of these will be staying, one will be replaced. Not a problem if you are comfortable loosing either in place of your new one, but if you want to keep the same set, you need to correctly guess (or remember which was chosen when) which one is going to be replaced and then choose that as your 'new' trait.

Alls good if you've guessed correctly. If you guess wrong. Sorry, you now have only one trait until your next oppertunity to apply the adaptive choice.

Is there a way to modify this so you can see which of your two traits will be hanging around, and which will be replaced?
EDIT: Ah, never mind. It'll be fixed by tomorrow, anyway.
Spoiler My old post :

Well, the popup is written in Python, not the SDK, so this should be an easy fix.
Since I'm at C++ class right now, this will have to be pseudocode for now.
if (thisCiv.hasTrait(thisTrait)){
  if (thisCiv.traitIsPermanent(thisTrait){
  } else {
    popup.Output("(will be replaced)")
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