Afghanistan for VP


Oct 3, 2013
Afghanistan for Vox Populi
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Ahmad Shah Durrani

Pearl of Pearls
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5greatperson: Great General Point from :greatwork: Great Works of Writing. Mountains produce +1 :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era, and +3 :c5production: Production. Border expansion to a Mountain claims all adjacent unowned Mountains.

Jezailchi (Rifleman)

Unlocked at Replaceable Parts
900 :c5production:
800 :c5faith: (may be purchased with Faith)
2 :c5moves:
25% :c5strength: Combat Strength and ignores Terrain Costs in Hills
Ambush I
(+33% Combat Strength VS Armored Units. +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Units in Rough Terrain.)

Maydan (Amphitheater)

Unlocked at Drama
-1 :c5gold:
2 :c5faith:
+50% (up from 33%) Great Writer Rate in the City
Nearby resource boost as Amphitheatre
2 Great Work of Writing slots
+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith if Themed
(has a +4 theming bonus normally, +8 for domestic same era)


Kerqa Sharif (Grand Temple)
Unlocked at Theology
Requires Temple

2 :c5greatperson: Great Writer Points
1 Great Work of Art or Artifact Slot
-2 :c5unhappy: from Religion in this City and -1 in all other Cities.
+2 :c5faith:, +1 :c5gold: to Temple and Maydan
Comes with a Free :greatwork: Artifact
1 Writer slot.
Gain 75 :tourism: Tourism whenever a Unit dies.
City gains 25 :c5culture: Culture, and :c5faith: Faith whenever a :c5citizen: Citizen is born, scaling with Era, and generates +25% :c5greatperson: Great Person Points. Bonus increases by 2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith:Faith and +5% :c5greatperson: Great Person Points for every Mountain in the Empire.


Zamburak (Cavalry)
Unlocked at Rifling (earlier than Military Science)
Requires no Horses

38 :c5strength: (-2)
28 :c5plus:(-3)
Barrage I
Covering Fire
(Gatling Gun promotion, replacing the City Attack Penalty usually received)
Other Cavalry Promotions

  • LastSword: Original mod creator
  • Civitar: Zamburak Unit Conversion as it appears in Colonialist Legacies Afghanistan
  • Map by Sukritact
  • Leader art by Janboruta
  • Jarcast: Helping to consolidate code and the shinier civ icon
  • Hokath: design, code, Kerqa Sharif icon
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Kerqa Sharif (Grand Temple)

Gain 30 :tourism: Tourism whenever a Unit dies.
People in discord were complaining about this particular buff being too small (it was 75 at the time) and you made it even smaller, i think at this point it doesnt do anything, i may be wrong though. Besides that iam glad that this civ comes back out of the forum's darkness. New art is great, even though i liked the old one not to less extent.
People in discord were complaining about this particular buff being too small (it was 75 at the time) and you made it even smaller, i think at this point it doesnt do anything, i may be wrong though. Besides that iam glad that this civ comes back out of the forum's darkness. New art is great, even though i liked the old one not to less extent.
This is the overview of the buildings within the same column.

75 would have been more than double the bonus from Mausoleum, a Founder belief wonder.
30 is more in line with other buildings.
This is the overview of the buildings within the same column.
View attachment 692299
75 would have been more than double the bonus from Mausoleum, a Founder belief wonder.
30 is more in line with other buildings.
Wait, but Mausoleum at this picture yields faith, doesn't it? Do you think faith and tourism should cost the same (be equal) while holding different gameplay functions?
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Looks like another civ I need to add to my mod's reference.
v2 changes:
Reverted Tourism to 75. I tested this number many versions ago, it's unclear what it should be. I think in general we don't know what a reasonable number is for this table since it only really appears on the Mausoleum (the Menin Gate is off by a factor of 10, no doubt).
After discussing with the janitorial racoon I've added +1 defence per 2 mountain tiles to the Maydan. Graveyard of Empires folks.
Remove +faith from writers guilds from Maydan, I found I was getting unreasonably high faith for how early in the game.
Lowered faith on Maydan to +2 (from +3), again too much faith.
Jezail Rifleman is called the Jezailchi, mashallah

It would be great to get feedback on how many mountains people are able to get hold of in their games. I managed about 20 on a smaller map size, so I'm wondering if that is a reasonable GPP boost compared to Austria, or if it should be smaller. Please let me know.
the civ's icon is broken when viewed in the spy menu, causing error messanges to pop up. doesn't cause any CTD, but it is anoyying having to keep closing those error messanges whenever I go into the spy menu.
What do u think about adding part of Tibet's UA that claims mountains in radius (atleast two mountains would be fine)? Or its alright as it is?
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I have Heritage from Artistry, so I see +6 and tooltip says +2 culture and faith. Also when I put domestic same era or foreign - I see no difference in culture or faith, in city and global.
In Afganistan gamedefines I see
-- Building_ThemingBonuses
INSERT INTO Building_ThemingBonuses
(BuildingType, Description, Bonus, RequiresOwner, SameEra, RequiresAnyButOwner, AIPriority)
SELECT 'BUILDING_LITERATURE_NIGHT',Description, Bonus, RequiresOwner, SameEra, RequiresAnyButOwner, AIPriority FROM Building_ThemingBonuses WHERE BuildingType= 'BUILDING_AMPHITHEATER' UNION ALL
-- Building_ThemingYieldBonus
INSERT INTO Building_ThemingYieldBonus
(BuildingType, YieldType, Yield)
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