African Javelineer (9 May 2006)


Retired Moderator
Nov 14, 2003
He's African and he's got an infinite supply of javelins. What more do you need to know?



The download is here.

It's not perfect, but I'm still learning! I wanted to make his spare javelins scatter when he falls over, but this proved beyond my abilities. Note: you may see some glitches on his loincloth in the preview here - these are cleaned up in the unit itself. Also, the animation speed is rather better in-game.

[EDIT - 20/10/06] - I've done new Civilopedia icons for this unit. Check out the downloads page to get them.
Nice unit, I like it ! A little criticism though : shouldn't his arm make a circular movement towards the ground to throw a javelin that far and that fast ?
It seems your modesty was misplaced dear Plotinus. This is a damn good unit! What's really great about it is that there has been most marked improvement between this and the Buffalo Soldier, I mean, Warrior.
Well, I would say enter this into the Unit contest, but I have a feeling that you have more treats for us instore!
Why dont you make a little mini-library for your units on the unit makers thread, then you would be a proper unit maker,

Just realised that was really patronising, I nearly put another little between proper and unit maker aswell, oh dear.... well in my defence I like to be patronised, so the do unto others thing.... no?.... maybe?.... :mischief:
*points to a bandana around his head*

"Infinite ammo."


Nice unit, maybe the arm doesn't move exactly as it should, but the run, death, fidget are great, and the attack doesn't look totally unnatural.

Thanks for the comments, all. It's most encouraging to get such positive feedback at this stage.

Yes, his arm should really follow through in the attack animation, but I had some difficulty doing this without screwing up the direction of the javelin's flight, so he does look a bit like he's throwing a paper aeroplane. As I mentioned, though, the animations do look better in-game (they all run at different speeds, rather than the uniform one required by the gif preview).
Good Job Plotinus... :goodjob: I see what you mean about following through more when throwing the Javelins... I think the attack looks quite good and no way it looks like he is tossing a paper airplane: lol: Good to see you are striving for detailed accuracy with your units and they are looking Great!
Hey, that's so... useful and nice and all... You'll now have to do moooore units, you know. ;)
Quite nice. :) I trust we won't be seeing any more Maya atlatlmen running around in Central Africa?

On the subject of infinite supplies, do you happen to know how many javelins a warrior would normally be carrying into battle?
Nice unit Plotinus. :)
The Last Conformist said:
...On the subject of infinite supplies, do you happen to know how many javelins a warrior would normally be carrying into battle?
From a quite unscientific fantasy book I remember javelineers being able to throw 3 spears before the charging enemy hit them. I doubt that primitive javelineers (ie ones without a big support train) would carry more than a handful.
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