He's African and he's got an infinite supply of javelins. What more do you need to know?
The download is here.
It's not perfect, but I'm still learning! I wanted to make his spare javelins scatter when he falls over, but this proved beyond my abilities. Note: you may see some glitches on his loincloth in the preview here - these are cleaned up in the unit itself. Also, the animation speed is rather better in-game.
[EDIT - 20/10/06] - I've done new Civilopedia icons for this unit. Check out the downloads page to get them.
The download is here.
It's not perfect, but I'm still learning! I wanted to make his spare javelins scatter when he falls over, but this proved beyond my abilities. Note: you may see some glitches on his loincloth in the preview here - these are cleaned up in the unit itself. Also, the animation speed is rather better in-game.
[EDIT - 20/10/06] - I've done new Civilopedia icons for this unit. Check out the downloads page to get them.