After a temple is destroyed


Jan 9, 2003
northwest Montana
Had something unusual happen for the first time this past weekend.

In a recently captured city, I had just completed a temple and was starting work on a cathedral. (A religious civ with the sistine chapel, trying for 100k culture - so there were reasons to build cathedrals before marketplaces.)

An enemy frigate showed up, bombarded me, and destroyed the temple. Work continued to progress on the cathedral.

The cathedral is still some time away from completion... but I am curious what will happen, or should happen, once it is done -- in particular, will I be able to re-build the temple after the cathedral is finished, or is this city going to be one happy face short of all my others forever because of this?

In C3C this may become a lot more important because of the Temple of Artemis ... there may be a lot of cathedrals being started just around the time that education gets researched.
It's been a long time since I ran into that sort of scenario, but you should be able to rebuild a temple if you already have a cathedral.
You will be able to rebuild. Im not sure the cathedral will do anything in case you don't... I know thats the case with shield and eceonomy based buildings...
You should be able to get the benefit of the cathedral without getting the temple if I remember correctly. I think I have captured cities with banks without marketplaces and it worked fine except that I do not get the luxury bonuses.
BTW be sure to kick the civs ass who destroyed you temple in the first place.
Try this: save the game and then sell off a temple in a large city. Look at how many happy faces change and then take your turn. Reload game after the next turn.
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