After playing it on regent and monarch level it is time to try it on emperor. We don't HAVE to be at war constantly. The end result however should be a conquest victory for us.
The OCC variant in this SG means: at the end of the turn we may not have more than one city. During the turn we may have as many as we want. So we are allowed to demand cities for peace and then abandon them.
We will play a small map. Probably pangaea, but maybe archipelago when we choose to be the Vikings... After winning it on regent with the Zulu and on monarch with the Arabs I think that a lot of civs are good choices for emperor. I am leaning towards the Ottomans, Russians or Germans, because somehow I expect that this one will last longer than the monarch game, which ended just before Cavalry. These three have great UU's and are scientific. A good trait in an OCC imho. Personally I like the Germans very much, but maybe panzers may come a bit late. Other suggestions are very welcome. I'd like to see a good discussion about which tribe to choose and why.
AI Aggression: normal
Opponents: 5 random AI's.
Rules: Standard, all standard single player victories enabled
Barbarians: No barbarians/sedentary
Level: Emperor
C3C 1.22
These are the exploits that I want to avoid in the game:
"Phony Peace Treaty": Making Peace Treaties without having the intention to stay at peace, just to get cheap techs or money.
"Palace Jump"; Jumping the palace by disbanding the capital. Rushing a palace or building it brick by brick is OK.
"RoP Rape": Using Right of Passage to move whole armies into attack position.
"Throwaway Cities": It is possible to go everywhere by settling, moving a setter one tile further in, abandoning the old city, founding a new one, etc...etc... A city shouldn't be abandoned in the same turn as it is settled.
"Resource Piracy": Sitting on resources or deny a civ access to a tile inside the borders of the rival while at peace.
"Dogpiling": Adding multiple workers to cities to increase population beyond the food supply.
"Seed Corn": It is not allowed to buy the LAST TWO workers from the AI before 1000 BC.
"Negative cash research": The penalty of negative cash is only one unit/improvement. So there are cases where this can be worthwile. Science spending must be lowered when the cash would go below zero.
Things that I didn't name but are in the spirit of what I mention above I would like to have discussed.
4 players are already in the roster, 1 more is welcome. I'd say that you should be comfortable to play a tough deity variant.
(edit June 17th, 7.54 AM CET) :
ROSTER (15 turns in peace time, 10 turns when at war):
Roster is full
24hrs to post a "got it" notice, and up to 48hrs after that to finish and post your turns. (edit June 8th, 7.30 AM CET: ) First player can do 25 turns, after that 15 turns per player, 10 turns per player in war times.
The OCC variant in this SG means: at the end of the turn we may not have more than one city. During the turn we may have as many as we want. So we are allowed to demand cities for peace and then abandon them.
We will play a small map. Probably pangaea, but maybe archipelago when we choose to be the Vikings... After winning it on regent with the Zulu and on monarch with the Arabs I think that a lot of civs are good choices for emperor. I am leaning towards the Ottomans, Russians or Germans, because somehow I expect that this one will last longer than the monarch game, which ended just before Cavalry. These three have great UU's and are scientific. A good trait in an OCC imho. Personally I like the Germans very much, but maybe panzers may come a bit late. Other suggestions are very welcome. I'd like to see a good discussion about which tribe to choose and why.
AI Aggression: normal
Opponents: 5 random AI's.
Rules: Standard, all standard single player victories enabled
Barbarians: No barbarians/sedentary
Level: Emperor
C3C 1.22
These are the exploits that I want to avoid in the game:
"Phony Peace Treaty": Making Peace Treaties without having the intention to stay at peace, just to get cheap techs or money.
"Palace Jump"; Jumping the palace by disbanding the capital. Rushing a palace or building it brick by brick is OK.
"RoP Rape": Using Right of Passage to move whole armies into attack position.
"Throwaway Cities": It is possible to go everywhere by settling, moving a setter one tile further in, abandoning the old city, founding a new one, etc...etc... A city shouldn't be abandoned in the same turn as it is settled.
"Resource Piracy": Sitting on resources or deny a civ access to a tile inside the borders of the rival while at peace.
"Dogpiling": Adding multiple workers to cities to increase population beyond the food supply.
"Seed Corn": It is not allowed to buy the LAST TWO workers from the AI before 1000 BC.
"Negative cash research": The penalty of negative cash is only one unit/improvement. So there are cases where this can be worthwile. Science spending must be lowered when the cash would go below zero.
Things that I didn't name but are in the spirit of what I mention above I would like to have discussed.
4 players are already in the roster, 1 more is welcome. I'd say that you should be comfortable to play a tough deity variant.
(edit June 17th, 7.54 AM CET) :
ROSTER (15 turns in peace time, 10 turns when at war):
Roster is full
24hrs to post a "got it" notice, and up to 48hrs after that to finish and post your turns. (edit June 8th, 7.30 AM CET: ) First player can do 25 turns, after that 15 turns per player, 10 turns per player in war times.