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AG3 - Ultra Big Map (Portugal - demigod)

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Jan 11, 2002
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In this SG we will be playing on a super huge map (362x362) as Portugal against 30 other civs. I first thought about using El Mencey's world map, but Skyfish kindly offered to make one which should be very fun to play! Thanks :thumbsup:

Portugal is seafaring and expansionist and that should be a fun combination on such a map. Meeting as many civs asap seems to be a key to success. The Portuguese UU (The Carrack) should help as well, as it is able to end on ocean squares (available with Astronomy).

GAME RULES (edit march 3rd 8.45 AM CET):
Costum-made continents map by Skyfish
AI Aggression: normal
Opponents: all of them :)
Rules: Standard, all standard single player victories enabled
Barbarians: Roaming
Level: demigod.
We will use the RBCiv rules regarding exploits.

4 players are already in the roster, but 3 more are welcome. I'd say that you should be comfortable to play emperor level. Also: be sure to have a powerful PC! I used to have a 1 Mhz, 256 MB PC, but that one barely was enough :o I now have upgraded however.

ROSTER Edit: March 3rd 10.00 AM CET) :

Roster is full

I will start tomorrow with 25 turns. Next up can take 15/20 turns, and the next leader 10-15, then 10 each turn after that.

Edit: April 14th 18.55 PM CET: 24hrs to post a "got it" notice, up to 3 days for 3 turns, 5 days for 5 to 10 turns. Please keep us posted daily if possible.
Do we have any idea whether it be Continents, Archi, or Pang?
I've personally am halfway through a Huge, Archi map playing as the Portuguese (unfortunate coincidince there!), and I have several observations if this is also an archipeligo map:

1. Tech pace is very slow once the expansionist/goody hut phase is over. Much slower than any other game I played.

2. The very Wonder that is the most beneficial to you in an Archi map (The Great Lighthouse), also ---very, very unfortunately, ---causes an automatic Golden Age for the Portuguese. Horns of a dilemma there!

3. The inventive use of exploration will net you a large number of unique contacts that will last well into the latter part of the Middle Ages. This provides a huge bonus to the human player.

4. Because of the slower tech pace, there is lots more time for infrastructure builds and more units (yours and the AI).
Welcome Greebly!

Rubberjello, those are good points. I don't know how many civs you had on the huge map, but we are playing with 30 AI's. I assume that this fact will allow AI's to have contact wiyth more civs, which then would mean that the tech pace isn't THAT low.

Observations that I had with these type of maps:

-With a limit of 512 cities and 31 civs the average number of cities for each civ is 16! This will allow us to build cities with very little overlap and require us to use colonies.

-The 512 city limit also might make it difficult to go for domination. But that victory type might just be the one win I find least attractive :eek:

-It may be a good idea to actually trigger our GA with the Lighthouse. This may be a despot one, but it might allow us to expand more in a crucial stage (before 512 city limit).

-Once in the Middle Ages I think that our goal should be to research Astronomy at max. This makes wonders like the Great Library less appealing.

This will be a continents game by the way.
a few suggestions from me, too:

'double' the turn number (from 540 to 1000).
adjust naval movements (double them?)
adjust combat ranges of airplanes

choose Spain as the Civ (aggie you know why I suggest this :p) but Port is OK, too.

I LIKE the GA/Lighthouse dilemma!
aggie, from experience I can tell you that wars take forever (because your fleet simply takes forever to 'get there') unless you double..... :)

also, it would be VERY annoying if we get a histo win just because of the huge distances :(
Originally posted by carlosMM
aggie, from experience I can tell you that wars take forever (because your fleet simply takes forever to 'get there') unless you double..... :)

also, it would be VERY annoying if we get a histo win just because of the huge distances :(

Like I said: double movement for ships and planes sounds interesting! But I'd say only as from the industrial age or something. Regarding turns: we have 540 turns to win, which could also be achieved by space launch :)
Can you find a place for me Aggie? I'd like to play if you'll have me.

Edit: If it were me I'd adopt the differential naval movement from GOTM but increase the movement of all age of sail vessels by 50% and modern vessels by 100%.
aggie, to respond to your PM:

clarification: advanced sail are for me:
Caravel, Galleon, Frigate etc.

steamed are all alter ones.

I wouldn't like to have caravels sail THAT fast. The combined possession of lighthouse, seafaring trait and (later) Magellan would make us quick already! (I know wishfull thinking...) As for the galleons: increasing them greatly would reduce the power of our UU. And I wouldn't like our UU upped too much compared to the caravel!

I like the aspect of difficult contact making until end of the middle ages. Especially with two or three big landmasses with 10 civs each (for clarity: I don't know for sure if this is how the map will turn out!). I want to see how every continents developes!! That would be avoided by fast sailing ships.

I'd say: 100% extra movement as from transports. Which is an issue in itself, because then cavalry can't be shipped properly and fast. But I'd say that a real invasion of far away places won't follow before tanks. We first have our own big continents to worry about.

You might know that I'm not a big fan of too many tweaks, but I understand the movement issue.

EDIT: I mixed up galleons and caravels :o Corrected it.
aggie: then simply do +1 for sail units, +2 for ironclads, +100% for transport and up
I'll wait for more feedback on naval movement before continuing with the map.
Please beware that this is a Continent map and not a Pelago map so late MA or IA naval movement might not be that crucial [groucho]
OK, this is what I will ask Syfish to do:

+1 for sail units of the Middle Ages (Galleons, Caravels, Carracks, Frigates, Privateers)
+2 for ironclads
+100% for Transport and up
+100% range for air units

EDIT: I pm-ed Skyfish and will not request other tweaks unless we think of something really terrible and urgent ;)
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