I'm working on this one now. I've got about 40 turns left to hold out, and it's turn 185 in the game. I think it's doable, even though the difficulty is at Immortal right now, as my stacks of Dwarven Slingers and copper Axemen on hills are pretty tough to crack. I'm starting to see iron Longbows and Champions, but I've yet to see a siege engine (thank the lords).
I started at Prince difficulty. I normally play on Monarch.
This was my first time ever using an advanced start, so I made some mistakes, but here's what I had: 1 Settler, Population 3, 1 Culture expansion, 1 Worker, a Winery, a scout and some warriors. I'm sure that many players who aren't familiar with advanced starts (like me) will make mistakes here.
I'll describe what I've done that has worked well, the lucky events I've had that have helped, and my thoughts.
First, with only one exception, I founded all of my cities on hills. The extra defense has certainly made a difference, and it complements the slingers well. The exception was a mistake, but it's virtually surrounded by rivers, so it has worked out for me.
Next, I teched for farms first, then God King, then Archery. I figured that I would want some rock-solid defenders for my hill cities, and I was right. The Dwarven Slingers have been awesome. The hawks from the Hunting pre-req have also been invaluable. In a normal game where I'm more concerned with the long game, I'll usually make the economy more of a priority, but I wanted the be able to defend my new cities with confidence, and I honestly had no idea what sort of opposition I would be facing. For my tech in this game, Education didn't come until after Archery, Bronzeworking, and Way of the Earthmother. Economy has come from Wineries, river-side farms and mines, Elder Councils, and Temples of Kilmorph.
I tried to found cities fairly quickly. I had my 5th city up and running by turn 125 or so. Starting with an extra settler helped here. If I had thought more about the increasing difficulty level, I probably could have gotten my 5th city up another 10-15 turns faster. It's not really clear from the scenario description, but I think speed in founding cities is a crucial part of winning the scenario.
I've had some lucky events, and I don't know if they were scripted or not, but they seemed to fit the scenario perfectly.
1. I popped Mining from a goody hut
2. I rescued a Thane of Kilmorph from a dungeon, and founded RoK about 40 turns earlier than I otherwise would have.
3. Other than the Thane, my luck with dungeons was abysmal. I probably lost 80% of my explorers to dungeons, due to powerful enemies and just plain "Your unit never returns".
Having said all that, here are some of my random observations and musings.
1. I initially had thoughts of building some forts and garrisoning them in strategic chokepoints. But I still haven't researched Construction, and there just seem to be too many avenues around the chokepoints. I haven't yet been able to justify splitting my forces enough to provide a meaningful garrison in all the places I would need a fort.
2. There doesn't seem to be a lot of variety in the resources. I have quite a few food resources, but very few happy resources. There's some cotton, but it was too far away to reasonably pursue. Thankfully I have gold from the palace, but I haven't seen gems, silk, sugar, or any of the other usual suspects anywhere.
3. The civ-spell (gold for mines) was very helpful for keeping my vaults full. I got 225 gold from it, and my vaults have been at least abundant most of the game.
4. Researching Knowledge of the Ether was a mistake. I thought I had Enchantment mana from the palace for some reason, so that's why I wanted Adepts. Unfortunately, it's Law, not Enchantment, and there's not really time to add a more useful mana type. I should have instead gone after Poisons. I haven't yet seen a siege engine, but if I see a stack of Catapults coming my way, I'm in deep doo-doo.
5. The Clan of Embers plays an interesting role. They start pretty close, and present a constant obstacle to expansion. If it weren't for the clan, there would be a lot more breathing room in the early game. I don't know if they are supposed to present an easy source of XP, but they have been quite a challenge so far. I razed on of their cities that encroached too close to me, and I entertained thoughts of launching a campaign against them, but the Hippus started showing up before I could act on it.
6. I really like all the hills in the starting area. I have tons of mines and my production has been very respectable.
7. Defensive strikes rock! They are a very nice addition to archery units, and it makes the Drill promotion much more worthwhile.
8. There's a level 6 iron champion from Tasunke wandering around. That makes me worried.
9. A dwarven slinger with Combat 1, Guerrila 1, and Drill 1 in a walled city on a hill makes me happy.
10. It might help if the scenario makes it more clear that enemies are growing rapidly in strength even while you are trying to found your cities. Being unfamiliar with how scenarios work, I wasn't sure if there were several large, fixed armies held back somewhere that would be triggered once I founded my 5th city, or if the whole scenario was a race against time. The description focuses on
holding your 5 cities, not on founding them quickly, so it sort of encourages you not to found your 5th until you're in a position of strength.
So, with 40 turns left, I'm still not certain that I'll win, but I like where I'm sitting. My hawks tell me that there's no imminent stack of doom within 10-15 turns of me, and I'm about to finish researching Arete. After that, I'm still trying to decide whether to go after Poisons and Assassins, or to turn off science to jack up my vaults to stocked (for the +10%
s) and have money to upgrade my warriors. It could be a critical decision, as my forces aren't strong enough to counter-attack the champions and longbows that are common now, and I have no means to defeat a stack of catapults at the moment. My only worry is that even if I do go for Poisons, it would be too little too late.
All in all, I'd say it has been a fun, well-balanced scenario so far. I'll let you know if I still feel the same way 40 turns from now