Age of Colonisation


Last of the Mohicans
Aug 28, 2007
Bologna - Italy

I'm working on a new Mod called Age of Colonization. This Mod starts in 1496 when the American continent is just discovered. The Mod is based to the scenario "The Great Race" with heavy changes. I changed and added some civilizations and many of the units, and I want to completely change the Tech Tree. The Mod ends in the 1776. I have included a zip file with the Biq and the folder with the changes i have made, but the work is only just starting. I need help. I have a poor english so I beg you to write in simple language please. In the next posts I will show some examples of the unit's upgrade and the Tech Tree that I have in mind. Here is the complete folder with the BIQ. The Mod is in Beta test so there are many things to do.

Civilizations involved:

- European Civs: France, Spain, Portugal, Holy Roman Empire, Italy City States, Sweden, Netherland, Poland-Lithuania, Hapsbourg, England;
- Oriental Civs: Mughal Empire, Siam, China, Japan, South East Asia Sultanates;
- The Muslims Civs: Ottoman Turkey, Barbary Coast, Safavid Empire, Golden Horde;
- African Civs: Mali, Ethiopia, Kongo;
- American Civs: Aztecs, Inca, Maya, Mapuche, Inter Mountain Indians, Plains Indians, Iroquois.

200 techs with specific tech trees for each culture group;

An incredible number of Flavor and Unique units for each Civ.

Installation instructions:

1. Ensure you have Civilization 3 and its extension Conquests installed and patched to its latest version (v1.22);
2. Download TAC and
3. Unzip in your ...\Civilization3\Conquests\Scenarios;
4. Play the game, and have fun!

NOTE: The Mod is in Beta version but totally playable!

Moderator Action: Broken download updated
Download TAC

Download TAC Enhanced
(NOTE: This version has been modified, bug fixed & enhanced by @Rathvilly )

WARNING: The PediaIcons.txt has some errors. Here is a new and updated version of the file:
Simply unzip it in the Conquest\Scenario\TAC\Text folder.

Thanks to team and Marine Corp to host my Mod!

Beta version November 11 2008
NOTE: The .Biq is at the bottom of this post, in the Attachments section


It is very hard for me to name all the author’s credits. About all the authors have contributed so I will give thank to the authors from whom I have take the most works.

Units: Steph, Sandris, Sword Of Geddon, Kinboat, aaglo, Embryodead, Dom Pedro II, Plotinus, CamJH, uthajazz7, Orthanc.

Terrain: Snoopy, Pounder, Balthazar, Yoda Power, Ronning

Improvement/Wonders: Ogedei The Mad, Embryodead, PCHighway, Lusikka775,

Tech Icons: cubsfan6506, Blue Monkey, ronning

Graphic Interface: Imperator1961, Partizanac, WeaselOp, taube87

Leaderheads: Embryodead, R8XFT, ShiroKobbure, jorde

Resources: Amesjustin

To others authors I have not mentioned in this list: I beg your pardon. However, this list is far from complete, so if some author wishes to see their name here, please post your name and I will put it in this list. Thanks to all.

Note of 19/1/2008:

After some days of rest, before the final rush (I HOPE), I think it's the moment to do a list of things to make to complete my Mod. I will also update the first post with this list, so if there are some volunteers that want help me, the work will end soon

1) Complete the game interface. I choose to mod also the graphics of the game.
Complete at 70%

2) Redo the Tech Tree. Each Culture Group has a unique tech tree, and in the same group some civs have specific technologies. After many tests I have decided for turns of six months each. The game starts in 1496 and ends in 1776 so we have 560 turns total. The min/max research rate is 18 to 30. At maximun speed we need 40 techs, at the slow speed 20. Only european civs can increase the speed to reach a tech, so I need 40 techs for european (included muslims) and 20 techs for the others civs. At the moment I have many more techs in the tech trees, so I need to decrease the number.
Complete at 60%

3) Add more units. Some civs do not have many units, and I need to increase these. Moreover, I am in line for new units from Sandris
Complete at 80%

4) Complete the Civilopedia (Icons and units' description, icons and improvement/wonders descriptions and so on). This is (for me) the most annoying part. My poor english forced me to search in other mods for the things I need and this is a hard work
Complete at 50%

5) Complete the Improvements/Wonders for all the civs.
Complete at 70/80%

6) Add more buildings for non-european civs.
Complete at 60%.

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting


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This is a great idea, I myself have thought several times of making a Mod about this period of history. I will do what I can to help. But in my opinion the mod should go 1496-1776. Also, the period of world history 1895-1919 is covered by the Age of Imperialism mod by El Justo.
No it should go till 1800. In my opinion. After the napoleanic wars the world changes. The power balance would be destorted and urealistic if it went all the way to 1895.
Maybe imperator1961 could split the mod into two parts. One about the period before the American Revolution, and the other about the period after the Napoleonic Wars.
You need to delete all the old wonders like the collusus and Sun TZU's art of war. This seems more in the beta testing stage.
The tech tree is always a . .. .. .. .. .. I was considering working one someting like this. I was going to base the first half of the tech tree on the standard conquest Age of Discovery. I would be glad to test. But my email is
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