Age of discovery PBEM


Breaking news from the front, englsih advance on portuguese colonies in the ner world is halted as english assaults on three cities fail (The one where atlanta is, the one in new found land, and the one near chicago.)
Guys..for whatever reason..I cant find the save on my laptop after playing the game?? Does anyone have an idea why that would be? When I finished the turn..I hit save as usual and it brought up the save file. I named it like I always do. But when I went to attach it to send to Semental...I couldn't find the file?? I then tried a search on my harddrive and it did not find the save??? Would appreciate any thoughts? I will will be on the road most of Sunday. So the earliest I can figure this out will be Monday. If any ideas..again email me. Thanks!
Somehow, I do not have it. I didnt get any mail notification.

Please Resend
GPS to cubs

Just asking in good spirit, How Am I doing regarding putting up a fight for you guys?
From my point of view I think you are doing quite well Rodent! The war is not over yet and I think the outcome uncertain at this point! Let's try to get this moving again before we hit the hectic Christmas rush!

I will be able to play tommorow, I should be busy till about the 22nd now, then I'll be nice and speedy.

Rodent you are doing fine.
And Yeah Cubs, Regarding your sig, I do live in India and share that 'attack Pakistan' Sentiment.

GPS Sully

Took that newfoundland city.
GPS to Cubs

Anyone interested in signing peace yet?
GPS took
Lake Michigan town Is taken.

I also killed a pikemen in English Territory.
Sully you o.k.
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