Hi, could you make your mod compatible with the Civ V Unofficial Patch and Vanilla Enhanced mod or integrate all/some of it features to your mod.
Depending on exactly what combinations you want, the answer is probably No on the compatibility part. I really wish my mod set could be fully compatible with UP/VEM, but too many things that I can't copy:
> Those mods change nearly all of the major UI elements. My mods adjust quite a few of them as well. I'd like to make some of mine be compatible with their mod, but the same isn't true in the other direction; no one other than me has made any modifications to their mods to make them compatible with mine. I NEED my mod's version of TopPanel, CityView, etc. to be used if you're using my Mythology mod, for instance, but if you're using UP/VEM then you can't easily control whether my version of it's being used or theirs is. In most cases you could, in theory, hack together a merged version since my changes are fairly self-contained and are all bound inside conditional checks that would cause no problems if other people's mods used my versions of the UIs. But the as-is UP/VEM and my mod will never be compatible because of this.
> Some of my mods use versions of many common mod components, like DiploCorner or Building Resources. Some of these would be incompatible with other people's mods, if they're also using those same components but use different versions.
> Thalassicus' methods of balancing things like Research Agreements, unhappiness, etc. are very different than my own. He and I have discussed this a bit before, but the bottom line is that our mods are built around very different philosophies of game balance, and so can't be easily combined.
I've tried to put all of those balance changes in my Empires mod, and most of the UI modifications are in the Base mod. If you paired my Ascension with someone else's balance mod, then you'd need to add a bit of extra XML to account for the promotions and such that I moved into the Base mod. If you paired my Base+Ascension with someone else's balance mod, then the XML issues go away but you now would have a number of UI conflicts.
It was originally intended that people could pair my Alpha Centauri content mod with other folks' balance mods, and at one time it WAS compatible with most of the other major balance/UI mods. However, I didn't put a lot of effort into ensuring it stayed compatible, and as everyone's mods have grown the number of incompatibilities quickly grew out of control. So it's very unlikely that our mods will ever be directly compatible, although an experienced modder could probably resolve the conflicts pretty quickly.
Now, if all you want is certain UI improvements of Thal's mods, then the easier path is to tell me which of his UI additions you like, and I can look into splicing them into my Base mod. As long as they're fairly self-contained and don't alter game balance, I'd have no problem with doing this, and it wouldn't take long to do. But I've been too busy to keep track of what all is in his mods, and I'm not going to just add everything, so I need to know which bits people really want.