AI and Nukes


Twilight Sparkle.
Feb 5, 2012
Does anyone know if the AI actually uses nukes now in G+K?

In vanilla CiV I wasn't even nuked ONCE. It'd be interesting to see the AI actually use nuclear weapons in the G+K expansion pack. :p
They've always used nukes in vanilla CiV...
I was once nuked on prince. It was Gandhi in one of his rare (but wonderful!) snowball domination moods. It was a pretty pointless border city, though.

I got myself holocausted by the AI during a future start Prince game I was playing some time ago. They nuked every city of mine, as I did not have the Uranium reserves to first strike them
I've never been nuked, it I've also always won a science or culture victory before then, and then continued onward to the future and pre empitivly bomb all my enemies and keep my friends as pet states.
Wow, for a while there I just stopped playing somewhere in the Industrial era because my nearest neighbor would just instantly start bombing me like a turn after DoW
I don't think I've ever been nuked either except on multiplayer, and I play on prince mostly.
I've always either been dominating by the time that nukes become relevant, or crushed before they come into play.
Wow, for a while there I just stopped playing somewhere in the Industrial era because my nearest neighbor would just instantly start bombing me like a turn after DoW

Thats why you bomb them the turn you DoW, get rid of all their garrisoned nukes. Nukes I feel have two purposes. 1) Get rid of other nukes and aircraft 2) Get rid of a carpet of doom (ICBM's only)
I play on king and have been nuked plenty of the point if a close neighbor finishes Manhattan project I tend to Dow them....never fails if I don't some time down the line they will start eye balling me
You've NEVER been nuked? Are you perhaps playing at warlord or some such? Climb a couple of difficulty levels and you'll now what it is to be nuked!

even at warlord they nuke you!
Yeah, I've seriously never seen a single nuke be dropped on me, at warlord/prince difficulty...
Now that I think of it, I've never been nuked either. And I play mostly Immortal, Deity every once in a while. There have been games where I've had a colossal AI neighbor with nukes, but they've had better use for them against other AIs and I've managed to pull off victory before I became their target. Or they've been so far away that their nukes weren't a threat.

Two more days of waiting for the G&K expansion...frustrating.
In the new expansion it appears there are now two distinct flavors for the AI using nukes; building them, and using them (FLAVOR_NUKE, FLAVOR_USE_NUKE).

My only assumption is that certain leaders will stock up on nukes, but use them only if they don't care about nuclear proliferation. (Gandhi has 12 FLAVOR_NUKE, 12 FLAVOR_USE_NUKE, beware!)
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