[BTS] AI Autoplay Ranking- testing with fair maps


Jul 11, 2015
Hello all, I decided to spend some of my extra home alone times to keep this forum very busy by making another AI Ranking thread for fun. Definitely what this world needs :D But this time I will be using Commodore's map where Sulla used for his AI Survivor champion game so unlike my previous offline games you actually know the map. And I will be using the same map for every game.

commodre map 48x32.jpg

This is the map. So basically I will be using same settings as Sulla did but Noble difficulty, and leaders will not start with a warrior or scout depending on their civilization suggests. They start with absolutely nothing, no units. Just their already placed capitals. But I will give every civilization their 2 starting techs manually of course.

Mistakes to be fixed: I realised by editing my screenshots for this map that north half of the map doesn't have small river starting from 1 tile small lake in Season4 Sulla AI Survivor download.

Now the ranking will be the same as Sulla does. 5 points winner, 2 points runner up and destroying civilization kills will be counted too.
There will be 8 games in 1 Round meaning 8 games x 6 leader =48 leaders will appear in every round.
So I will have to make at least 13 Rounds to see every 52 leader appearing 12 times :) League format, not Tournament format.

I am not going to stream games but I can share 20-30 seconds hall of fame replay videos on youtube, for proof :p
I am going to use AIAutoplay mode and share my results with you.
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Interesting Noble Zarkon, I guess always peace is going to make Gandhi and Mansa Musa best leaders.
Well I have done the first round games already and I put the hall of fame replays on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTqpIf6qBU1-GMzDPJR1067pUuqBo6fcr
I don't expect any views but the replay is there :p I guess I can post a round every day. It is that fast :)

ROUND 1 (no show:Churchill,De Gaulle,Ramesses,Suryavarman)
agg ai


non agg ai
round1 nonag.jpg

I really liked this upload a file button on this forum, so that means I no longer ever need to use a free image hosting website, can this forum handle my as many pictures like social media does?
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Justinian I, Huayna Capac, Zara Yaqob. Seems like a "normal" (whatever that means when the game plays itself...) top three.

Current Civ 4 AI Survivor champion, Mehmed II, seems to struggle a bit so far.

Interesting to see who ends up top of the league here. Keep up the good work, Keler!
Thanks Kjotleik, I don't know where to end the league though, multiples of 13 Rounds perhaps ;) depending on my energy and will and other stuff going on, I still want to make all the way to 104 Rounds in few months where all leaders appear in 96 games, close to 100.

ROUND 5 (no show: Catherine,Montezuma,Shaka,Tokugawa)
agg ai

non agg ai
round5 nonag.jpg

I tried to lower my upload image size from 2.5mb to 600kb.
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Note that there were some errors with the mirroring of the map. Some of the sea-food resources were uneven, specifically off the coast at the stone resource near a river. I'm pretty sure you can see these mistakes in your first screenshot between the left middle and right stone resource on the north coast. Similar mistakes are at the south coast and probably elsewhere (inland) too.

Thank you civac for mentinioning, so I checked to see middle start in the north(Aztec green) coordinate L3 did not have crab. And I added missing fish to south west L16 (Roman purple). I did not check everything though. Thanks for pointing this out
Quick query- do you have the AP disabled, or just avoid the AP victory by not giving the observer the religion?
It would be a really cool idea to do exactly this but with all 34 civs on the Earth Evolution 2 map. (so they all start in correct positions.)
so I remember Sulla doing AI Survivor spin off 5 yars ago on youtube, similar to what you want
and well, the point I am doing ai auto play again is fair map, That huge Earth Evo 2 map will lock all european leaders at one city or maybe them teleport to elsewhere I must check. I wil keep this is mind to try in the future :)

Quick query- do you have the AP disabled, or just avoid the AP victory by not giving the observer the religion?
I avoid AP victory, there is no way religions can spread to me. There is AP however, AIs just build them and can troll each other. AP cheese is available.

ROUND 7(no show: Brennus,Mehmed,Saladin,Washington)

non ag ai
round7 nonag.jpg

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