AI Culture Win Saves


Sep 29, 2007
Hey guys.

Does anyone have any saves where the AI is currently attempting to win via culture? Difficulty matters not.

Recently I was playing a game vs Asoka while around with Espionage. Asoka eventually started going for a cultural victory, and really pushing on some of my culture. Winning or losing didn't matter as this was me fooling around with Espionage. I wanted some of my lands back so I started to sabatoge his culture buildings and eventually I noticed he started teching back up again! I was shocked, apparently I sabatoged enough buildings that the AI had abandoned the cultural victory attempt. I'm not sure if this was a fluke or not, so I'd like to test this.
they get out when they consider it hopeless; slider at 0 for a long time(you see his research since his ep is at 0 too), you declare, take 1 of the culture cities, slider goes back up.

I know that. However my thinking is somewhere along the lines that using espionage to thwart an AIs Cultural attempt at a cultural win might be considered a viable alternate to declaring war on the AI.

First, it would probably require fewer hammers as spies are fairly cheap by this time in the game.
Second, the diplomatic reprocussions of War can be greater (on a global scale) than the diplomatic reprocussion of Espionage attempt to stop a cultural victory.

I also believe that the affect of dedicating Espionage to a single opponent will be less harmful to your economy than the cost of supporting a military to raze one of the cities, and there could be other bonuses. The question is, how difficult is it? I don't often run into an AI going for a cultural win due to my gameplay.

When I see games played in public I often see people mention that they are going to build up enough force to raze a city if the AI attempts a cultural win. But never have I seen someone say "I'm going to build up enough Espionage against X just in case they go for a cultural win."
The latest Monarch Student game would probably be a good place to test this. From reading all of the games, at least 3 different AI's went cultural, and at least one of them is almost guaranteed to go culture every game.

I don't have my saves from that game, but maybe someone else does. Worst case scenario, its about as high of a probability of finding an AI going culture as you'll find.
I've got a save where Brennus is going for a culture win (he will get one in around 70 turns if left unchecked).

I don't have much EPs against him though so I went for the marine invasion tactic. You could probably use the espionage slider to get some more EPs against him, but he has far more than me at present.

It's a marathon speed game with Darius, using the HoF mod, on Immortal difficulty.

See if you can beat my Jan 1932 space win ;)

Thanks for the save.

..but I'm having trouble opening it. It told me I needed the HoF mod, so I tried adding the directory \HOF-3.17.001\ to my Mods folder. Now it gives me an error saying "The save file you have selected is protected to ensure that the assets in your mod folder have not been changed." I am unfamiliar with the HOF setups. Will I need to install the HOF 3.17 mod to load this save?
Yeah you need to install the HoF mod to open it I'm afraid.

It should play nice with other mods though.

I checked lock modified assets since it was a gauntlet game (already submitted).
I had one game where the french where trying to win by culture but i took their 3rd highest culture city and that stopped them, they would of got it before i won by space race.

will upload save if someone wants.

Okay, I think it's time I go install the HOF mod then. Thanks again.


If you have a save from before the city capture, that would be ideal. From before the war would be best, but beggars can't be choosers. :)
you don't want mods with locked modified assets ;)

since you need to give gspies in wb and then spies in order to test(ok, can do even without, but it'll take longer)
Yeah my game is more about razing one of Brennus' culture cities (there is an obvious target to go for).

I'm running universal suffrage so airports, marines and transports are the way to go in my game I think.

Locked Modified Assets is just fine with me. For testing purposes I can dedicate my entire empire to sabatoging the culture win, and work backwards from there.


It looks like the HOF mod requires default 3.17...I'm running the Bhuric patch. Meaning I may need to uninstall and reinstall to make this work. Ugh. I think I may need to do this anyways because I have the BUG in my custom assets folder instead of installing it as a seperate mod, which I need to do to play some of the custom mods out there. While I thank you for the save, I won't be able to use it for a while.
Never mind. The only other thing I could suggest is doing a parallel installation (i.e. install again to a completely different directory).

Maybe you could ask for help in the HOF questions & answers thread.

It is quite a flexible save since I am currently building wealth to run 100% slider I think which could easily be turned into 100% espionage.
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