AI is cheating on me

Feb 11, 2019
It might be a strange coincidence, but whenever I place a map pin on a neutral hex as a city planner, the AI quickly rushes a settler to found a city exactly on that pinnned tile. If they have another unit in the area, AI will place that unit on the pinned tile as well, leaving it there forever. Much like in civ V where they would put units on antiquity sites forever. Which was a good thing. But now with the map pins, not so much.
Because of this, its easy to “fool” the AI and pin a useless location for them to settle on.
I’ve seen this behavior in all of my games.
Have you guys seen this too?
Its making pins useless because:
A/ I dont want to use it as an exploit;
B/ I dont want to give away my location for a future city.
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