AI players in Hot-Seat games


Sep 8, 2007
Hello, this is my first post here.
I wanted to be able to play with a friend using hot seat, but have the computer control the other opponents.
I tried setting the first two players to "human" and everyone else to "AI", but in the game I always ended up controlling these players.
I found that the "Multiplayer" menu in the game settings window is all grayed out, and one of the options that was automatically on was "Take over AI".

Also, looking into this, I found that supposedly AI computers can be in hot seat games if it is a user-created scenario, but I don't exactly know how to do this.

If anyone could explain how to have AI opponents and two humans in a hot-seat game, it would be much appreciated.
main menu -> settings -> multiplayer -> take over AI??

it sounds like you might be trying to access the multiplayer options menu from inside the game.
if not, sorry i can't be more help.... it works fine for me.
Wait, no, I'm not accessing the options after the game has started.
In the Hot-Seat multiplayer game setup, there is a box that says "multiplayer" and all the options in that box are greyed out.
Also, looking into this, I found that supposedly AI computers can be in hot seat games if it is a user-created scenario, but I don't exactly know how to do this.

If anyone could explain how to have AI opponents and two humans in a hot-seat game, it would be much appreciated.

i know that you can have the AI play civs in a hot-seat scenario. the way to set that up is to start a singleplayer game like normal, without locking modified assets. then you have to go into worldbuilder (to save suspense on the map, zoom waaaaaay in, and cover the minimap with a post-in note ;) ), and click "save as a worldbuilder file", it's one of the buttons that looks like a globe in the upper right corner.

then you exit WB, exit that game, go to multiplayer in the menu, and pick "new scenario" and whatever you named that worldbuildersave file will show up as a scenario name. at that point, you pick which players are human and which are AIs.

edit: oops i forgot to say welcome to CFC :)
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