Air bubble in blood


Trying to be good.
Jun 21, 2003
At critical limit
I learned very early on as a child that even a small air bubble in the bloodstream can kill you. What exactly happens to the body when the bubble enters? Can't the pumping of the heart and the organs absorbing oxygen simply get rid of it?
My baby's got the bends...


I have never heard of a comrade who has died from an air bubble in the blood.
Comrades don't die from air bubbles, comrades die because they were against the government.
Originally posted by stratego
I learned very early on as a child that even a small air bubble in the bloodstream can kill you. What exactly happens to the body when the bubble enters? Can't the pumping of the heart and the organs absorbing oxygen simply get rid of it?

I've heard the same. I donno what happens exactly though.
Assuring safer surgeries--catheter removes dangerous air
"When a surgical procedure requires the patient to be in a position where the heart lies below the level of the operated site, such as in some neurosurgical, urological or obstetrical cases, a relatively high negative pressure develops," Dr. Albin said. "Air could then enter the circulatory system by a suction effect and substantial amounts of air in the circulation may form large bubbles that, due to surface tension, impede the return of blood flow to the heart, causing an airlock."

Pulmonary Emboli
The arterial blood (oxygen-rich blood) supply to the lungs via the pulmonary artery or one of its branches can be blocked by matter such as a blood clot (most common), fat, air, tumor (abnormal growth) tissue, bone marrow, amniotic fluid (fluid in the womb), or foreign substances. This is called a pulmonary embolus (plural emboli).

Which in otherwords, can lead to heart failure.
This is probably what you mean:

Henry's Law is of central importance to scuba divers. It states that the amount of a gas that will dissolve into a liquid is directly proportional to the gas's partial pressure. Prior to making his first dive of the day, the partial pressure of each gas dissolved in a diver's bodily fluids (tissue pressure) is equal to the ambient partial pressure of each gas. At this state, the diver's body is saturated; that is, the rates of gas absorption and release are equal. When the diver submerges, his regulator's first stage balances the pressure of the his breathing mixture with the ambient water pressure. (Of course, this balancing act is absolutely necessary. Without it the water pressure would increasingly squeeze the diver's chest and air passages with increasing depth.) Thus a gas pressure gradient is established across the capillary membranes lining the alveoli of the diver's lungs, and the rate of gas absorption exceeds the rate of release across this boundary. The surplus nitrogen and oxygen (the primary constituents of air) readily dissolve into blood plasma and get whisked away by the circulatory system to be absorbed by the diver's various body tissues. If the diver were to stay at a constant depth long enough, his body would again become saturated.

While the body's tissues simply metabolize the excess oxygen, the excess nitrogen remains inert. If the diver slowly ascends to a shallower depth, the pressure gradient in the diver's body reverses, the tissues become slightly supersaturated, and the entire process runs smoothly in reverse: the excess nitrogen remains in solution while the circulatory system transports it back to the capillary-alveoli interface where it released into the lungs and exhaled normally.

The nitrogen elimination process occurs less smoothly if the diver's body contains a substantial amount of dissolved nitrogen (i.e. he has been at a great enough depth for a long enough period of time) and the diver ascends too quickly. If the pressure gradient is great enough upon ascent, microscopic bubbles of the gas phase will form on the surfaces of supersaturated tissues. These bubbles grow until they break free from the tissue's surface and are carried away by the circulatory system. Gas phase production within the body can afflict the diver with any of a host of ailments grouped under the term decompression sickness (a.k.a. "the bends").

Cases of decompression sickness range in severity from skin rashes and joint pain to paralysis and death. Symptoms depend on where in the "bent" diver's body the gas phase develops and where the bubbles end up after they break free and are circulated. Itchy rashes develop if bubbles form in skin capillaries. Joint pain is a particularly common symptom, and is thought to occur when bubbles form in connective tissues and in muscles surrounding the joint. Bubbles born in nervous tissue have the potential to paralyze the victim and cease neural transmission to the heart and lungs. If bubbles are of sufficient size and number, they may congest arteries leading to the spinal cord (causing paralysis) or brain (causing a stroke). If a large number of bubbles happen upon the lungs at once, they may overload the alveoli or block capillaries leading to the alveoli, restricting blood flow to the lungs which, aside from starving the victim of air, prevents blood intake by the heart. This restriction elevates the victim's heart rate, lowers his blood pressure, and can cause total heart failure.

Taken from:
Originally posted by cgannon64

What you describe is the bends, I think, and what I describe is a song called the Bends.

Sorry, spamming...

"The bends" refers to deep diving

What causes the bends?

To avoid the effects of quick decompression, the diver must rise slowly and/or make intermittent stops on the way up (called "decompression stops") so that the gas can come out of solution slowly. If the diver does rise too fast, the only cure is to enter a pressurized chamber in which the air pressure matches the pressure at depth (breathing 100-percent oxygen on the way to the chamber also helps). Then, the pressure is released slowly.

Decompression sickness, also known as the bends, is one danger of diving. Other dangers include nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity and simple drowning (if you run out of air before making it back to the surface). If the diver decompresses properly, remains at "recreational depths" (less than 100 feet or so), and is careful about the air supply, the dangers can be largely eliminated. Proper training, good equipment and careful execution are the keys to safe diving.
I was under the impression that the bends is a special kind of air bubble in teh blood, caused by coming up from deep diving and they mess up how they decompress you so air bubbles get into your blood?

Bah its early in the evening I am far too tired to be awake and life is far too confusing.

Good night. :)
Thank you Lyonesse and Speed for the info.

What is sufficient size and number?

If an air bubble in the system can lead to larger air bubbles, that means there is already air pockets in the bloodstream (this is believeable). Why is it that those air pocket don't group up to form larger bubbles without outside intervention
I've been deep-sea diving twice in my life-time, both times I never got the bends. Though, I am no expert in the matter, I just ascended/decsended as fast as everyone else was.
What is sufficient size and number?

No idea. I don't have much knowledge aside from Henry's Law and etc. The page that that is from was found courtesy of Mr. Google ;)
Originally posted by stratego
If an air bubble in the system can lead to larger air bubbles, that means there is already air pockets in the bloodstream (this is believeable). Why is it that those air pocket don't group up to form larger bubbles without outside intervention

Maybe this will help :)

Can an IV Air Bubble Kill Someone?

A single bubble isn’t going to do the trick.
Let’s review the blood’s circulation pattern. Blood from the body flows into the right side of the heart, then out to the lungs, back to the left side of the heart where it is pumped to the body, thus completing the circuit. The lungs are excellent filters. They trap small blood clots and injected air bubbles. In actuality, the air bubble would be shattered into microbubbles by the churning action of the right ventricle, which pumps the blood into the lungs, and these tiny bubbles would dissolve into the blood. Any bubbles that survived this “washing machine” would be filtered by the lungs.

The “old wives’ tale” that an air bubble would go to the brain and kill you instantly is simply untrue in the normal person. How can the bubble get to the left side of the heart and be pumped up to the brain without being filtered by the lungs first? It can’t in a “normal” individual. Likewise, blood clots from the legs cannot cause strokes. They too are filtered by the lungs, resulting in a serious and often deadly condition known as a pulmonary embolus.
The Bends (or decompression sickness)
Henry's and Dalton's Laws predict that, as the diver descends, excess nitrogen will enter the blood and all body tissues. These laws also predict that, on ascent (as ambient pressure decreases) the extra nitrogen that accumulated will diffuse out of the tissues and into the circulation.

The larger and more numerous the nitrogen bubbles, the more likely they will cause symptoms of DCS.

For a given individual, DCS is unpredictable. Its occurrence depends in large part on the recent diving history (i.e., profiles of the preceding dive(s), including rate(s) of ascent), and also on individual host factors, including age, amount of body fat, state of hydration, and individual susceptibility in ways that cannot be quantified.
It does saometing really weird to your system. They had it in CSI, where this nurse injected air into her husbands vein to kill him.
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