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Air Mission Question


Jan 27, 2002
Hey all,
Just got Civ3 the other day, and i'm loving it. But, I finally got myself a carrier and a few planes, and now I'm stuck. I put 4 bombers on the carrier, cart it over to enemy territory, and .... then what!? I clicked on the bombers in the picture, tried all the hot keys, nothing works! I can't seem to access the planes to give them orders, and i'm not sure what I'm missing.... Please help!
You need the patch my good man...

www.civ3.com I think you can download it from there...

Really we civfanatics need to highlight the need to patch civ3 ASAP when you get it.
I'm already at v. 1.16f if that helps, and i think it is the latest. I'm also using the mac version ...
You need to *right click* on the carrier and then Wake the planes for service.

Been there, done that, hated the T-shirt.
You're kidding right? Right click doesn't seem to do anything either :D

I notice on the support site, the mac version of civ3 already has the patch installed, and one of the lines is this:

You can no longer unload air units from a carrier. You need to execute a re-base mission

Sounds like my problem, but I tried the re-base hot key, and didn't get very far ...
Will this re-ignite the MAC VS PC debate?

I have a 3 button mouse, which Mac OS X sees and uses just fine. However, in the game, all the buttons seem to map to button 1 ... so i tried apple key(command i think? I always forget) + button1, and that popped up the menu! Wow, i didn't even know the game had that ... :)

and I hope i don't bring up a debate or anything ... I use a mac becuase I like OSX, and hey, its got civ3, so bonus ;)
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