Aircraft carrier Fo SALE

That is one pityful aircraft carrier, it's kind of cute though:love:, I think I'll buy it and name it Ben.
wow I didn't knew they were so expensive, I wish I had one I could sell;)


No, I'm just speechless, in fact ^^
I bet the Canadian Navy is looking at that right now. If I was Bill Gates, I'd buy it just for kicks.
Same here Brewster. Would be kinda cool to have it standing there in the backyard :)
Only $90 million? I think I've got that under my futon somewhere....
I bet the Russians also have a few carriers lying around for sale... :D

Seriously, I could just see some third-rate power buying and refurnishing it for service... :hmm:
Of course they do. They just sold one to India.
I want one :)
This is just another step in my slow march towards total world domination. Now I'll just have to load up my new ramjet destructo-bombers and the fun will begin! :mischief:
That's peanuts. Put me down for 100 ;)
:eek: I want it!
if i had the money i'd buy just so i could see how they can deliever it to me(since i live inland)
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