

Mar 15, 2002
I'm having a horrible time getting bombed. I put a fighter in my city and assign it to "air superiority" but my land improvements are still getting bombed like crazy!!! Does anyone know how air superiority works???
air supperiority doesnt work with original version, same for precision strike, you need the patch, but after i patch my game all my bombing unit's accuracy went down(catapult, cannon, bomber,artillery, even battleshipe). i stacked 12 cannon near an ennemy city (size 11), i got an artillery failed about 10 time on 12 for about 4 turn, it is completly idiot, who complain about artillery accuracy was too high ? firaxis decide too lower it i dont know why.:mad:
Ya know, what these guys need are some serious field testers.
Hey, you, if you're out there listening, I'm sure you could talk two or three of us into field testing your products for say . . . $50K a year or so; that way you'd be able to release a product that was a hell of a lot less glitch and bug infested than this one was.;) ES
I had about 20 artys outside a city and only 1 hit!! I couldn't beleive it, they were even in mountains. Ugh!

BTW - has anybody ever seen air superiority work? I never seem to get that far before I win (it usually helps that I deny oil fairly well in the industrial and modern age).

I've seen it work for me and against me. My fighter will attack the first bomber but nothing after that. And visa versa when I attack.
the moral to this story is to send in waves of bomber.
Originally posted by Sentinali
I had about 20 artys outside a city and only 1 hit!! I couldn't beleive it, they were even in mountains. Ugh!

BTW - has anybody ever seen air superiority work? I never seem to get that far before I win (it usually helps that I deny oil fairly well in the industrial and modern age).


i saw a.i using fighter against my stealth bomber, my first bomber were shoot, all other succeed, next round i send a jet fighter first and a.i fighter got shoot and my jet fighter became elite.

so it mean if you have 1 fighter in your city, it will defend only agaist 1 attack, so you need 4 fighter to counter 4 bomber

and if you loose your bomber agaist a.i fighter send jet fighter to bomb first.

after i lost some stealth bomber against a.i. fighter i never allow them to get oil as mentionned in another post.
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