
Mindworms controlling a city? That seems odd to me.
Not a bad idea, but how would city-conquering mind worms fit into the storyline?
Originally posted by Gameguru
The reason why they there are none are because they are primitive life forms.
I wouldn't call them primitive life forms. Beign part of the creater life form -The Planet- they are more like small efficient parts of very complicated system. They are the white cells of the planet, it could be said, as the white cells of human are the ones which destroy bacteria in blood veins.
I doubt that the planet would have any life forms which main purpose is to paralyze mind and to burrow to the brain of the victim. Really what would they be doing before the humans came? Mind worms are part of the defenses of planet.
There's the fungal towers of course(or was it in SMACX only?)
Hmmm. Maybe in a future SMAC/x, they will introduce some indiginous(sp) life forms that will have the capability of doing this. As it is, Spore Launchers can destroy improvements and attack units in bases, so it doesn't seem so far removed that Spore launchers could be the life forms best suited for this, especially since they need not be terribly sentient.
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