All Governors Please Repot: MSAV review

40 Gold will reduce our science and financial gain, and thus limit our Foreign Affairs activity, since that requires both gold and science lead. Tell that to the FA and the SA.
Provolution said:
Epimetheus, is is MSAV isn''s defense. There is no Ministry of State Authorized Violence in the Consitution. It doesn't exist. If you insist on calling it that, then you have no consitutionality, no reason to exist, either. So its either Defence, or nothing. But since you've already done all you're job years in advance anyway, we don't really need you anymore. :p

And yes, it is pretty big decisions to decide on which cities to conquer. The extent of conquest is indeed divisive as seen in the Iroq War I inherited. People was split in the middle on whether they wanted Salamanca or not. This is a problem that will repeat itself. Now it is a broad consensus that Iroq, Babel, Zulu and France will receive 4 unique treatment types based on peoples bias if they attack us first. I know I will get flak then, but now I get flak for preempting that flak from you, and mostly you alone.
You and I have different notions of fun, that is fair enough, but these reforms has some support, as we can have regional cooperation across militar districts-governor.

You have a plan years before you even know if you'll need it. That is the single stupidest way to plan things. You got the people to approve something long before anything was clear. When and if the time comes, those cities won't be the same size, and they won't have the same defences or garrisons. But your plan will be the same. What you did was you got the people out of the way early, so when the time comes you can do it the way you want.

I don't want these things polled because they are a waste, and they tire out and weaken the people. You should poll where to attack France when you are going to attack France. Not a thousand years before you do. By that time the poll will mean nothing. It is your job to figure out the battle plans, and so far you're doing a very bad job of it, if any.

Why do I have relatively harmonious relations with Timbentley, Ginger Ale, Snipelfritz and Chieftess, where I seem to run into you and Blackheart at every corner.

Well, I actually haven't seen any relationship between you and those people, so maybe because they haven't said anything? :p

And why is there not any troubles in cooperating between ministers?
where are you in the equation Epimethius?

I'm a citizen. Those little bugs you don't like, but have to pander to if you want to stay in power. I know its annoying when we get in the way of you important people, but its our right.

Well, he resigned as Governor, and now he wants to make the afterlife a bit more tricky for those that did not resign with him, a classical anarco-syndicalist reaction. Amd as a citizen, he is of course allowed to voice his isolated opinion and I am of course allowed to consider the input as a singular statement to be noted, but not responded on.

You got banned too. I figured you'd be willing to do the selfless thing like me, DZ, and Donsig, and resign in protest, in hopes that the resulting chaos would lead to more democracy. That was stupid, of course. Its perfectly clear you care only for your own power, not democracy. But it was worth a shot.

Dude, whatever happened to formating, or paragraphs, or something. And making sense.... But hey, you are funny. In an unintentional sort of way. :p
Provolution said:
Well Epimetheus, at least I am not smoking weed...

Speaking of weed, look at the title of this thread, Repot, what's that supposed to mean?! :lol:

Make up your mind. Yu say I made myself obsolete by giving yo the power, and now you say I stay in for the power, make up your mind, your weed seems to forg your consistency of thought :) And yes, I am writing this for fun, and yes I do like Frasier and Monthy Python, and if you read my Casino thread, you will see some of my humor on someone like you being funny unintentionally :)
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