All Things Star Trek

Oh, that's a shame. :(
"The Drumhead," where that Admiral turned into a witchunter after not being satisfied with a simple resolution and was shut down after she had a meltdown when Picard quoted her father, a judge's, words against her. That was one of mt favourite episodes.

With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.
Well, consider all the worst monsters in real world history thought they were in the right and doing - to quote a Rowlings villain - "the Greater Good," - and no real world history monster cackled with malignant glee of how evil they were, and many lionized historical figures did of, or conscienced, unspeakable things.

But, indeed, Star Trek's canon and axioms typically depict tighter moral lines (if not the black-and-white of some fictional genres and franchises).
Am I correct in surmising that you don't consider Dumbledore to be one of the Good Guys? If so, I approve. He's a prime example of the warning in Dune to "Beware the charismatic leader."

Section 31 was fun as a one off, not as a recurring element.
It was absolutely creepy how Bashir and O'Brien got involved in that. But DS9 was all shades of grey, all the time, so it fit.

When they shoehorned it into the NuTrek setting alongside with a blatant ripoff of The Wrath of Khan, it became tainted.

Perhaps, but on Discovery at least the character in question was presented as someone who we are supposed to accept to some degree. The crew accepted her and were getting all chummy with her. I did not find any of that realistic at all, if we are accept Star Trek's morals as presented to us over the years at least.
I can't think of anyone involved in DiscoTrek who actually knew what the hell they were doing, or understood what Star Trek is really about. I stand by my assertion that the fanfic authors did it first and better, over 50 years ago. DiscoTrek's efforts were extremely subpar and rather pathetic.

It's a case of "We scored a popular actress who can do action stuff, and now we need to figure out what to do with her - oh, wait, let's completely demolish everything that the show this is supposed to be a prequel of, and strut around and claim that it will mesh seamlessly with TOS, if only the OG (Old Guard) fans would just STFU about it."

I guess it worked to some extent. There's a moderator and a couple of his buddies over on TrekBBS that, after 15 years, have STILL not forgiven me for not liking NuTrek and DiscoTrek.

Yes. Section 31 was introduced in the ST series that showed the shades of gray in the Federation, DS9. War Crimes Sisko (this is not a derogatory description from me, mind), Garak, Odo, Quark, Kira... The entire cast at some point grappled with morality in a situation where it may not be the right move or even an available option. Star Trek has wonderful capacity for exploring nuance in utopia.
As Sisko said, "It's easy to be a saint when you're living in paradise." (paraphrased, since I don't remember the exact quote).

A Section 31 series/movie with Georgiou is not that. She is introduced in Discovery by blowing up a planet. She openly relishes in eating the brains of sentient species, torturing people, slavery, and so on. She is not a "gray" character. She is as close to evil you can get, pleasuring in cruelty and sadism. She had no redemption arc. No guilt. No penance. Everything surrounding her character on Discovery was a sham, and giving her a headlining role in a show (now movie) about The Department of War Crimes is just nonsense. In general I am not interested in Section 31, even in the context of DS9, but it's possible to craft a story about them that fits in the Star Trek canon and philosophy. This movie will not do that.

Again, beware the charismatic leader.

"The Drumhead," where that Admiral turned into a witchunter after not being satisfied with a simple resolution and was shut down after she had a meltdown when Picard quoted her father, a judge's, words against her. That was one of mt favourite episodes.


This episode was so surreal, given who the guest actress was. Up to that point, I'd only ever seen her in old 1950s movies (ie. Spartacus, Ben-Hur, and a couple of others).
Saw Drumhead again yesterday...Still holds!
Am I correct in surmising that you don't consider Dumbledore to be one of the Good Guys? If so, I approve. He's a prime example of the warning in Dune to "Beware the charismatic leader."
Even though canonically, Grindlewald coined in the series, Dumblemore struck me as being modelled after some of the more dubious, even sinister, portrayals of Merlin in some Arthurian renditions.
Even though canonically, Grindlewald coined in the series, Dumblemore struck me as being modelled after some of the more dubious, even sinister, portrayals of Merlin in some Arthurian renditions.
Well, Merlin was a Slytherin, in HP canon...

Even in the BBC Merlin series, there are times when he's skirting the Evil part of the alignment chart. One of the prime offending occasions is the 5th-season opening 2-part episode "Arthur's Bane" in which Gwaine, Percival, and a few dozen other knights have disappeared.

When Arthur finds out where they probably are and is determined to rescue them, Merlin hears a prophecy that indicates Arthur would be in grave danger if he went there... so he tries his damnedest to convince Arthur to abandon the quest - abandon saving those 5 dozen knights (two of whom - Gwaine and Percival - are Round Table knights).

In the show's canon, the knights don't find out that Merlin advocated abandoning them to their fate. In the fanfiction, however... there are stories where Gwaine finds out and is absolutely NOT forgiving about this. He's extremely pissed that Merlin - who he considered his best friend (and is actually in love with him to some extent) would just write him off for some vague danger to Arthur. Gwaine's always dropped whatever he was doing to go on some quest to help Merlin, and when he himself needed Merlin's help, Merlin didn't want to offer it.

So the friendship is broken, and in one story Gwaine goes to Arthur and says he's not sure knighthood is something he wants for the rest of his life. Arthur says he never intended Camelot to be a prison, and gives his blessing for Gwaine to leave, if he wants to. Merlin isn't happy about that - it's not long before the upcoming Battle of Camlann, and Merlin threatens to "drag Gwaine back by his hair if he has to". Gwaine figures this is the end. No more friendship; it's shattered beyond mending, he tells Merlin he's leaving with Arthur's blessing, and goes.

Of course I'm a bit biased here since Gwaine is my favorite character, and I hate the way he was killed off in the finale. But I've been taking a critical view of Merlin's increasing obsession with prioritizing Arthur over everyone else, and how he missed or ignored so many opportunities to manage the situation so Arthur wouldn't be in so much danger.

And the way Merlin ignored his Dragonlord responsibilities toward baby Aithusa is vile.

So to me, Merlin may be the main protagonist, but he is NOT the hero.

And to swing back to Dumbledore, both Merlin (in the BBC version) and Dumbledore kept nattering on about "the greater good" - for Merlin, the greater good was Arthur being king and legalizing magic; nothing else mattered to him, and if friends had to die for that, so be it. Dumbledore sacrificed so many young people, some as young as their first year at Hogwarts, and don't get me started on him leaving 18-month-old Harry on Petunia's doorstop on a frigid October night and not even ringing the damn doorbell to let her know there was a friggin' baby there!
Simply beautiful...

hah I just came here to post that.. brought to tear to the eye.

Always made me sad how Spock was in the 24th century on Romulus when Kirk came out of the Nexus but they didn't get the chance to reunite. I've wondered a few times whether Spock found a way to visit his grave (that Picard made) on Veridian 3.

Spoiler :

The creators of this chose to make that a yes!

Seeing Robin Curtis' Saavik from ST3-4 was nice too. I loved those 80s films.

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Simply beautiful...

Thanks for that. I was looking for it last night and it wasn't popping up.

Anyone into Lower Decks? I've only seen the first episode of the fifth season so far. Had started watching the second one, but it's always difficult to not roll my eyes when Trek writers try to do anything about economics. May just skip that one and begin with number three.....
Not even slightly into Lower Decks. All it took was one episode with the stupid, unfunny "jokes" and unappealing style to turn me off of this.
I will try Lower Decks after I go through with Picard after I finish showing TNG to my Star Trek loving wife (the show, not me...well maybe a bit me as well;)
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to my Star Trek loving wife (the show, no me...well maybe a bit me as well;)
Confusion on who loves Star Trek from some one with the Dark Mirror Spock on his avatar. :P
I think it got to the point where she might be loving ST more than me! She actually listens to actors podcasts! Learned a lot from Nana's and Kathryn's life story from my wife insights.
We named our cat after Merlin (the TV version), even though I don't really like the way they re-interpreted the story by making Arthur into an oaf and Merlin into what Arthur should have been. Though I did appreciate the appearance of Glastonbury Tor at the end.

However, Malory's Merlin is an absolutely appalling character who spends most of his time either engineering pointless displays of his cleverness or egging Arthur into committing mass murder. Fortunately he gets written out of the story at a pretty early stage.
While I don't have 3hrs and 47 mins to watch sadly I liked her intro and I suspect she'll roll through all the stuff that drove me nuts about the 'Patrick Stewart Goes to Space' sequel series.

Also I think I never got around to posting my review of the final season 3 here and now it's too late as it's been a year or so and I've forgotten everything lol. So I'll just say that I actually really enjoyed the final 3rd season even if it did have a few the usual NuTrek plot holes and 'let's instantly warp around the quadrant' moments lol. The presentation was excellent, nostalgic and it gave that happy ending I wanted so bad for my heroes of old (and omg I wanna work at Geordie's ship museum haha). However it's still hard to me to forget the utter turd stain that was the first season. S2 was okay but it felt very under the shadow of the damage S1 did. As she says TNG gave us hope for a better future, PIC S1 crushed that and made everyone and everything as miserable and messed up as they are in todays world. If only season 3 had been the show from the start...

Oh and I've finally done the first 2 seasons of Strange New Worlds.. I mostly enjoyed it.

Continuing to enjoy Lower Decks and am ready for final season..

Struggled a bit with Prodigy since it's aimed at kids but I got it done..

Subjected myself to S4 of 'Discovery of Infinite Melodrama' and it was not as bad as I expected it to be compared to previous seasons, but was still not good. Still building up the required shield strength to subject myself to the final 5th season lol. Literally the only time in history of Star Trek I've been happy to hear a show got axed.

Meanwhile now we got this coming too.. hmm yup.. surprise surprise it's getting utterly buried in the comments..

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